Chapter 9: happy birthday!

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The Slytherin common room flickered with candlelight, casting shadows on the stone walls. Hailey stepped inside, her footsteps echoing in the hushed room. She had almost forgotten about her birthday, lost in the whirlwind of classes and magical studies. But her roommates—bless their hearts—hadn't forgotten.

As if on cue, the room erupted into cheers. Erica, the vivacious one, practically tackled Hailey with a bear hug. "Surprise!" she shouted, her enthusiasm contagious.

Hailey blinked, stunned. "I... I wasn't expecting this," she stammered, her cheeks flushing. The room was adorned with streamers, and a table groaned under the weight of cakes, pastries, and enchanted goblets filled with sparkling drinks.

Grace smirked. "That the point, Hailey," she said, her eyes dancing.

Hailey took a moment to take everything, the room buzzed with laughter and camaraderie. Hailey's friends had truly outdone themselves with the fall-themed decorations, creating an enchanting atmosphere in the dimly lit Slytherin common room. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, and the scent of cinnamon and apple hung in the air.

"You guys really didn't have to do this"said Hailey.
"Oh please it's your birthday we owed you a proper celebration!" Said Grace with excitement.

Blair, nudged Grace. "And we've got a little surprise within the surprise," she whispered, her expression changing. Hailey's curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

Before Blair couldn't answer Hailey caught sight of Liam, standing near the refreshment table.
His presence sent a shiver down her spine. They hadn't parted on the best terms, and seeing him here was unexpected. She wondered how he'd found out about the party.

Liam sauntered over, a smug grin on his face. "Well, well, well," he drawled, his eyes scanning the room. "Look who's the center of attention tonight."

Hailey's cheeks flushed. She hadn't anticipated this encounter. "Liam," she said, her voice steady. "What are you doing here?"

He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "I heard there was a little celebration for the birthday girl," he murmured. "Couldn't resist crashing the party."

Hailey's heart raced. She glanced around, hoping her friends hadn't noticed Liam's arrival. But Blair, ever perceptive, raised an eyebrow and nudged Hailey. "Who's your friend?" she asked, her tone innocent.

"This is Liam," Hailey replied, her smile tight. "An old acquaintance."

Liam's gaze lingered on her, and she felt exposed, as if he could read every thought racing through her mind. "Acquaintance?" he said, feigning surprise. "We were more than that, weren't we, Hailey?"

The room seemed to close in on her. "Let's not do this here," she whispered. But Liam wasn't one to back down. "Why not?" he said loudly, drawing the attention of nearby partygoers. "After all, it's not every day a girl turns 16."

"Hailey," Liam said, his voice smooth, "I heard it was your birthday. I just Simply thought I'd drop by."

"Thanks," Hailey muttered, her throat tight. "But I'm fine."

Liam's eyes bore into hers. "Are you, though?" he asked, his tone low. "You disappeared without a word. Left me wondering." Liam said.

Hailey's anger flared. "Wondering? You broke my heart, Liam. You vanished, and I had to pick up the pieces."

He stepped closer, his breath warm against her cheek. "I made a mistake," he admitted. "I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong."

The room blurred around Hailey. "Well, you're too late," she said, her voice trembling. "I've moved on."

Liam's gaze flickered to the cake, where the candles danced. "Have you, though?" he murmured.

And then, in a moment of defiance, Hailey blew out the candles. The room plunged into darkness, and she fled, her heart pounding. She burst through the common room door.

Erica and Grace hurried over to Blair, their expressions a mix of concern and anger. Blair stood there, looking bewildered, as they bombarded her with questions.

"What happened? Why did she leave?" Erica's voice was urgent, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of Hailey.

Blair shifted uncomfortably. "I... I don't know exactly," she stammered. "That guy he said something to her. It upset her, I think."

Blair clenched her fists. "Not him," she muttered. "Why does he always have to show up?"

"Who is he?" Blair asked, genuinely puzzled.

Erica's eyes narrowed. "That's Liam," she said, emphasizing the name. "Hailey's ex-boyfriend. The one who broke her heart."

Blair's eyes widened. "Wait, you mean the Liam?" she whispered. "The same Liam she never talks about?"

Erica nodded. "Exactly. The very same."

"Well, I'll go find her," Grace declared, determination in her voice. "She can't be far."

"Okay," Erica said, her gaze still fixed on the entrance. "I'll deal with Liam. Blair, stay here."

Blair sighed. "Why am I always the one who doesn't know anything?" she muttered to herself, feeling a bit lost in the drama unfolding around her.
As Grace slipped out of the common room, Blair wondered how this night had taken such an unexpected turn. Hailey deserved a celebration, not a confrontation with her past. She hoped Grace would find her friend and bring her back.

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