15. Welcome Home

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I spent hours waiting on tables and listening to Karen's relentless and meaningless apologies. What felt like the 50th time that she came up to me her eyes dropped I rolled my eyes not wanting to listen to the stupid blabbering all day.

"Ella." She says, and I walked right past her wiping down the empty tables.

"Listen. I'm tired of hearing you blabbering all day. I am all for who you want to fuck okay? Whether that's your boss or a millionaire. It ain't no business of mine." She seemed to get angry as she crossed her arms.

"Is that why you're fucking Dallas Winston and Two-Bit Matthews?" I stop my motions, turning to see her with a cocky smirk.

"You little fu-"

"Ella!" My older brother's voice filled the diner, I turned my head to see Darry panting. "Ponyboy, he's in the hospital." I dropped the rag on the counter undoing my apron ready to leave when George comes out the back his arms crossed at me.

"Ms. Curtis, I did not say you could leave." I rolled my eyes tossing my apron on the counter and quickly grabbing my bag. "Ms. Curtis!" He boomed, anger filled me as I still tried my best to ignore him, I walked towards where Darry was standing, and George shouted my name again.

"George, will you shut the hell up?" I snapped looking at him. "I don't care about this stupid job and the mistreatment you give to all your employees. Then when they wont fuck you, you fire them! Well at least we know that Karen's job is secure here." I flip him off and walk away and hear Karen scoff behind me. "Oh right." I say I turn around walking towards Karen, cocking my fist back and pushing it forward to hit her in the nose. She falls to the floor with a cry. "That's for Two." And I swung my leg to kick her in the ribs. "And that's for Dally. Hope you like giving two-dollar blow jobs for the rest of your life." I wipe my hands on my skirt and walk out the door that Darry held open for me.

"I'm proud of you kiddo. You did alright back there." He says tucking me under his arm as we walk to the truck.

"Ain't such a kid anymore, now, am I?" I laughed climbing into the truck where Soda sat in the passenger seat, and I sat next to him. "You okay there Soda?" I asked, seeing the worry on his face, his eyebrows knitted together as he was lost in his thoughts.

"Just worried that's all, haven't heard much about what happened just there was a fire and Pony, Johnnycake, and Dally saved some kids." My head snapped towards Soda as I heard Dally's name fall off his tongue.

"That fucking bastard." I muttered as Darry ripped out of the parking lot to the hospital. Darry told me there was a church fire and all three boys saved the children's life, but the conditions of the boys would not be released over the phone. I worried if Pony was okay, he always had a heart of gold and I'm sure it was his idea to run into that church, if not him Johnny Cake. Johnny didn't have a good home and I know that his heart reaches out to others if he could help them get what he never had. I know for damn sure it wasn't Dallas Winston's idea, that man would never scratch a back without receiving something for himself despite age. He's a hood.

We ran into the hospital to the reception desk Darry asking where he can find Ponyboy Curtis, and the lady pointed and he was sitting there smoking a cancer stick with some older man, muttering amongst themselves. He was covered in soot from the fire, his hair was bleached blond and poorly cut, I betcha that was Dally's idea too. Change your look so no-one recognizes you bullshit. And I was mad cause clearly the boys weren't in Texas. And Rage filled my body. Pony looked over and stood up running towards us, falling into Soda's arm crying, Pony then hugged Darry as they cried together then me. I held him tightly in my arms, not caring if he got all my clothes dirty. My kid-brother was home, and he was safe.

"Don't you ever do that again, ya hear me?" He just nodded streaks of tears running down his face. Soda and Darry enveloped us in their arms in one massive group hug. It didn't feel real Ponyboy standing there in front of us, in our arms. He was gone for so long, we all thought he would die out there and I don't think any of us ever spoke about that possibility aloud, because the thought always hurt too much.

"Why don't we get you home kid?" Darry said pulling away, reaching his hand up rubbing his hand over Pony's head, "Man you look funny." They began walking, and I looked back towards the receptionist, then back to them.

"Hey imma stay for a little bit longer to check up on the others, I'll catch ya later yeah?" I said, and the boys stopped, looked back towards me. Pony nodded, the tears causing the soot to separate on his cheeks. Soda and Darry looked at each other before turning to me.

"Are you sure kid?" I nodded; Darry walked back up to me pulling me in his arms. "Alright, you give us a call when you're ready to come home. It's too late for you to be walkin home, and dangerous for you." I nodded and he went back to my other two brothers, and they began walking out of the hospital, I walked up to the receptionist, and she looked up from her folders.

"How can I help you sweetheart?" she asks softly.

"What room is Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade in?" I ask my hands shaking.

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