8. One Way Or Another

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I didn't bother knocking on the door, I just opened the door seeing more people then usual laying around, which tells me there was a party last night. Two-Bit wasn't trying to be quiet, but rather slammed the door shut finding it amusing when people groaned. I went quickly up the stairs walking by rooms, that were shut. Getting to the room that I've familiarized in my head, i bang on in, making sure i woke up Dally before walking in.

"Where is he Dallas?" I say opening the door to his angry face.

"What are you talking about? Where's who?" He says rolling onto his back and grabbing a cigarette and a match. Walking over to him I yank the cigarette out of his hand and throw it on the night stand. "What the hell man?" he groans staring at the cigarette.

"Don't you dare play stupid Dallas Winston. Pony and Johnny wouldn't go to anybody accept you if they got into this kind of trouble. Now Where Is my baby brother and Johnnycake?" He sits up in his bed, removing the covers from his waist, me seeing his was still in his jeans.

"Look I don't know nothin' man, now will you get off my case?" He says, almost looking innocent. Almost. Key word.

"Where's your leather Jacket Dallas?" I say noticing it wasn't on the chair that sat at the desk at the corner of the room, like usual. "You had it when you picked me up last night, which means you didn't give it away to Pony at the Drive- ins." He looks at me and Two-Bit, sticking his tongue between hid lips, knowing he's not getting away with his little lie.

"Okay, They came here for some help. I told them to head out to Dallas Texas okay! They'd be safe down there." Not even bothering to acknowledge Dally, I turn to my boyfriend.

"Can your car make it down there?" I ask, opening my wallet checking how much money I had.

"We should be able to." He says looking me straight in the eye.

"You guys are not going to get them." Dallas says standing up an slipping on a black t-shirt.

"Dally you know better than anyone there is worse consequences if you make a run for it. It's better for them to turn themselves in." I say ruffling my hair.

"You guys are not going down to Texas. Give it a week for everything to settle down, then i'll head off to get them okay?" Dally says glancing between me and Two-Bit.

"I don have to listen to you buddy." Two-Bit said with anger, just sending daggers at Dally with his eyes. Dally looks at Two, then back at me.

"Did you tell him?" Dally says, making my eyes go wide.

"Tell me what?" Two-Bit interjected. I look down to the ground, my head curling into my chest. "Arella, what are you not telling me?" He says with a tone i couldn't pin. When i didn't answer he walked a bit closer to me. "Tell me." he demanded.

"I slept with Dally." I say quietly, looking into his grey eyes, that then and there broke right in front of me.

"What?" He almost whispered, backing away from me.

"Two it was before you and I were a thing." I plead.

"No. You didn't tell me this. You didn't tell me you slept with someone that you're around everyday. Alone. You're best friend right? Makes sense." Bitterness flew off his tongue.

"It was only one time Two-Bit before you ever asked me out." I say taking a small step towards him, he just shook his head at me. "You slept with Kathy." I said.

"Yeah and would you like it if I was always hanging around her alone? No you wouldn't." He says leaving the room slamming the door.

"I had to make him mad, sorry." Dally says.

"You are something else Winston." I say shaking my head and leaving the room and race down behind Two-Bit. Running I get into the passenger side of his car.

"Get out." He says not looking at me.

"No we are going to talk about this Two-Bit." He shakes his head, Putting the car in reverse and speeding out of the parking lot. I put my hands on the dash and squeeze my eyes shut. "Slow down!" I shout over the engine, he ignores me and turns the corner harshly. "Keith Matthews! Knock it off Okay! I would never chose Dallas Winston over you okay! It was only a one time thing and that's all it will ever be!" I see him let his foot off the gas petal, which allows relief over me, until i hear him curse and see him press on the brakes and nothing happening.

"The breaks went out!" He shouted, blood rushed to my head as I felt sick. Unable to stop we ended up running a red light, and almost got a car into our tail. Fear went through my head, all that i am able to process is that i'm going to die. "we have to find a hill and go up it till we slow down! If we keep going straight there's one right over there!" he shouts. Opening my eyes, i see that we ran through another red light, and I heard a horn.

"Oh my god Two-Bit i am so sorry! I didn't want you to find out like this! Fuck! I never wanted to hurt you. I fucking love you! Oh my god we're going to die!" I cry as i squeeze my eyes tighter, putting my quivering hands over my face. I heard another horn and cried harder. Seconds later I felt the car jerk then heard silence. Am I dead?

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