3. Does He Know

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"Maybe from agony." I say laughing, making his face break out into a grin. "How they been treaten' ya ol' Dall?" I ask wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Ah you know these guys here know me, not like they can do much man." I laugh into his chest breathing in his scent. "Hey man, what 'bout you? How you doin' man?" He asks pulling away from me and taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Pretty good, still doing great in school, raising Pony with Darry, making sure Soda ain't no stupid kid. Oh and still dating Two-Bit of course." I sum it up stepping on my cigarette, putting it out.

"Hows that going man? Do I need to smash his face in?" He laughs following my previous actions.

"Nah Dally, we're good. Everything is going nice but then again there's been no restraint on our relationship yet. So as of right now we're good. It's good that he knew me before we got together, he knows everything about me." He smiles at me leaning against the car.

"So I assume you told him about when w-"

"No! Oh my god! Why would I tell him that?" I cut him off.

"Well if it was me dating you, I'd want to know if you decided to f-" I glare at him. "Look doll all I'm trying to say is, he'd probably want to know, especially because it was me who did it. A guy likes to know what he is being compared to." He sticks his hand out for the keys, which I simply just drop into his palm continuing the conversation.

"What are we comparing here? There ain't nothin' there to compare." He gives me a fake hurt glance, placing his hand against his chest as he sits in the drivers seat, me getting into the passenger seat. "You know what I mean Dallas. When we did what we did, there was not anything emotionally there, at least one way and not the other. Two - Bit and I are emotional. You cannot compare Emotional to-"

"I still stand by you tell him. Do it early on, there's less stress at the beginning of the relationship. I mean you know who he lost his shit to man." He starts the car, pulling off towards our next destination.

"Yeah Kathy. But this is different, I-"

"How is it different? Similar concept."

"Can we just drop this topic?" I ask genuinely, not wanting to bother with it for two reasons. The first being I was in love with Keith 'Two-Bit' Matthews. The next being I was in Love with Dallas Winston, and that was wrong. I look out the window, leaning my head against the glass, letting out a shaky breath.

"Hey, I'm just being honest with you doll." I stayed silent, turning my head at him when I feel a hand on my knee. "Look Arella, doll, it's fine if you don't want to tell him now, but he has the right to know. I mean who cares if he wants to hurt me in the end. I can take it, I'm tuff. But keeping it from him is worse, and if you do keep it from him, he won't only be mad at me, but you too. Don't ruin the opportunities he can give you."

"I know, thank you Dally." I say quietly, as he snuck glances from me to the road.

"c'mere." he says opening his right arm for me to slide into his side, which I do resting my head against his chest. 

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