2. Jailhouse Rock

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"You know Doll, you're too nice to these kids." Two-Bit says as we pull away from my yard.

"Yeah well these kids been through a lot, I'm not about to start making it worse." I say rolling down my window a bit for a smoke. "Want one?" I asked him and he nodded his head at me, lighting him one I hand him the cancer stick, then lighting one for myself.

"So what's happening with Dallas, thought he was supposed to be in the cooler for ninety days?" He asked taking a puff.

"Well he gets out early on good behavior, never saw it coming." We both laugh.

"What about his ol' lady? Sylvia. Heard she was starting up some trouble." He asks as we pull into Bucks.

"Two-timing him again. Dumb Broad. Stupid of Dallas to give her another shot, told him that too, but you know Dally." I roll my eyes at the idea of Dallas and Sylvia together, Two-Bit puts the car in park and turns to me. I scoot over closer to him, pressing my lips to his. "I'll see you later yeah?"

"Yeah baby, I'll come over in a while." I give him another kiss and get out of the car, "I see ya later Doll." He says, pulling off to his destination. Walking into the front doors of the Bar I see people scattered around doing heir own thing. I see Buck walking forward with his keys dangling from his fingertips.

"Hey Arella." He says

"Hey Buck how's it goin'?" I asked holding my hands out to grab the keys.

"Doin' just fine, now, I need my car back later today ya hear?" I nod my head and he drops the keys into my hand. "Not a scratch." I smile at him.

"Thanks Buck." I go to walk away, "Wait up girly, she needs some gas, head over to that gas station near the jail, here's some cash." He hands me money and I thank him again, walking out of the bar. Getting into the T-Bird I start the car, feeling the rumble through my body. pulling out of the driveway, making my way to the DX, because I sure in hell ain't goin' to that North side gas station, and be tryin' to make myself a target for them soc's.

Pulling into the parking lot of the DX Sodapop and Steve come out hearing the rumble of the engine. They boys' jaws drop as they stare at the beauty of a car Steve lets out a cat-call whistle. Pulling up to the pump, the two boys meeting me there leaning against the pump.

"Hey baby, how about you taking me out for a couple of drinks?" Steve says, making me grin.

"Sorry baby, but I got a date tonight. Gotta go pick this greaser up from the cooler."

"Ah shoot baby, why you hanging around greasers for anyhow." I start laughing, Steve joining me and soda just staring at us confused. "What you be needing done with this car Arella?"

"Hell I ain't getting no work done, just need y'all to fill her up, here's the money from Buck." I hand the money to Steve who nods walking to go put in the register as Sodapop opens the tank and begins to fill it up.

"Thought you ain't supposed to be around Buck or his Gang Ella." My brother asks me.

"Hell Darry don't care 'bout me going over there. You know they ain't goin' to be doin' anything to me while under Dallas Winston's watch. They'd be stupid to." Steve walks out of the store and that's when I notice hes covered in grease. "By the way Pony is headin' off to the movie house later on today, I should be back by then, but if not don't be too worried."

"Man she is purty. What i'd give to have a car like this." I smile at Steve's admiration for cars. I watch as he inspects under the hood, waiting for Soda to finish. "She's all done Arella." He says bringing my attention back, Steve closes the hood with a frown.

"Thanks Sodapop, I'll catch you later yeah?" He nods as I get into the car. "Hey you also don't have to be waiten' up for Pony, I gave his some money so you'll be fine to just head off after your shift. Be good Sodapop, gotta go pick me up a hood." He smiles at me as I start the car, immediately shifting into drive and speeding off. Now Dally and I drove similar, reckless, But I couldn't help it, I was just a bad driver. Also why Two never let me drive his Plymouth when it was all fixed up. But when I was in the car with Dally he wouldn't drive stupid, cause then Darry would skin him right up for nearly hurting his kid-sister.

I switched the radio on and immediately reconsidered with the opening to Jailhouse Rock by the king himself, Elvis Presley. Now I am a big Elvis fan, the gang knew this, they didn't really like it too much because they believed Elvis was too outdated, but they were into The Beetles. I like the beetles, don't get me wrong, but I'm not gonna leave the king, he had wonderful music, and I do not stop liking music because someone else is popular. Singing Along I pull up outside the gates of the Jail gates, that were still closed. Getting out of the car I go around and lean against it, pulling out a smoke.

As I begin smoking the gates begin to open, and I notice Dallas Winston, walking out with his classic leather jacket, and a cancer stick hanging from his lips. I smile as i watch him get mouthy with the guard laughing, his smile never fading when his eyes meet mine. Cracking one last joke at the guard, who was very irritated he walks towards me.

"Hey baby, I couldn't help but noticing you from over there, I was wondering maybe you'd want to come back to my place, and get things started?" He whispers to me, inches from my face. I used to like Dallas Winston, hell I fell in love with Dally. But who wouldn't? I only forced myself not to think of him like that because he told me that we were nothing but platonic. Yes, I told the Dallas Winston I was in love with him. Luckily he forgot about the whole situation, and we continued to be the iconic duo of best friends.

"Sorry, but I ain't into no hood. Got me a real man I did. Don't even know your name." I say playing along with his little act, he leans more in and brings his lips to my ear.

"When i'm finished with you baby, you would have screamed it so loud, all of Tulsa would know 

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