5. Stomach Tied in Knots

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Walking around the House, gathering my things I begin to get ready for work, slipping on my white blouse I tuck it into the pink poodle skirt, that went well with my white shoes. Going to the mirror I brush my hair up into a ponytail, before tying a pink bow in my hair and applying the lightest touch of makeup.

"You look like a Soc." Two-Bit says leaning on the door frame of my bedroom. I turn around grabbing my leather jacket, and wallet.

"All part of the job. Gotta look like like upper class just to be a waitress of consideration. I hate it." I say placing my arms in my jacket, and stare at my smiling boyfriend. "What? Why are you staring at me?" I asked him as he continued to smile at me.

"Nothin'. I Just think you're beautiful." A blush crept onto my cheeks as I looked at the ground, allowing the collar to hide the blush. A hand on my jaw made me look up meet the grey eyes I've grown to love. "You don have to hide baby, you know i'll always think your beautiful." I lean forward and gently press my lips to his softly.

"Hey! Kid you better hurry up or you goin' to be late!" Darry's voice rang through my room, making me pull away from Two-Bit. Smiling I grab my wallet slipping it into my bag with a few other things i can use during my break. Two-Bit just stood there waiting for me to finish getting ready. When I was sure i had everything i look at him smiling.

"Are you taking me there handsome?" He smirks at me wrapping his arm around me as we walked into the living room.

"I always do. Why stop now?" Pony and Johnny were sitting on the couch just talking, I notice Soda, Steve, and Darry piling out of the door to get to Darry's truck to head off to work.

"Ya'll be good today ya hear? I know how Dally likes to be when he goes out. So if he starts doing bad stuff, leave. Got it?" I tell the two boys who were staring at me intently, Johnny nods.

"Ella you know we ain't goin' to do nothin' stupid." Ponyboy argues, I raise my eyebrow at him, telling him that wasn't the answer i wanted. "Yeah alright." He answers making me smile. Walking to him I kiss him on the forehead, something i'v done for a while now.

"If anything happens you get me or Soda, okay? And I mean anything. I don't care if I have to leave work kiddo, you're my first priority. Okay I have to go! Be safe, Stay out of trouble!" I tell him walking out of the door with Two-Bit who twirled his keys around his finger.

"Doll you know them boys know how to take care of themselves right?" He says as we open the car doors, and I just stare at him as if he was speaking gibberish. He just stares at me, as if my look was confusing.

"They're heading out with the Dallas Winston." I say, staring him dead in the eyes.

"Yeah good point." He shrugs getting into his Plymouth, me following his actions. Once we were on the road I let out a huge yawn.

"Did you not sleep well baby?" He asks me swapping glances at me and the road,wrapping his hand around mine, I shook my head.

"No. I just couldn't help this feeling that something is going to go wrong today." He gives me a sympathetic smile as he continued to drive. "What are you going to do today?" I ask him, rubbing the top of his hand that laid in my lap.

"Well I haven't really decided what to do with the first half, but maybe go back home for a bit, hang with my little sister. Later on drink a few pack of buds, and if I don't get too drunk head down to the Nightly Double with Pony, Johnny, and Dally." I bite my lip turning to him.

"You know I don't like you drinking." He sends me a small glance, squeezing my hand.

"You know why I do it baby."

"I know, doesn't mean I like it any less." I say looking out my window with somber. "Just be safe okay? Please do not drive. Please." I say my eyes pleading with him just as much as my words. He pulls into the dingo parking lot, parking the car he pulls me into his side, pressing his lips to my temple.

"Shoot baby, I know I'm stupid, but I ain't that stupid. Now walk your sexy ass in there and get to work before you get in trouble." I smile and press my lips to his quickly before getting out and getting into the Dingo where I see my best work buddy Mandy smiling at me as she wipes the table down, that's in front of the window where Two- Bit was parked. Walking to the back i slip my coat off and stick it in the locker with my purse.

Tying an apron around my waist, I make my way behind the counter grabbing the order pad and clocking in on the time stamp. "You two look like you're in love." Mandy says as I pass her. Mandy was a middle class gal, what that means is shes not rich enough to be a Soc, but shes not poor enough to be a greaser, shes more without a label, which is what most of us wanted. Well except for Tim Shepard and his gang, they're proud bein' greasers.

"What on earth are you talkin' about." I say helping her bus a table that appeared to have a table of seven.

"Oh, don't act dumb Arella. I see the way you and Two-Bit look at each other. Anybody with eyes in their skull can see how much you love each other." I smile at her as a group of people walk through the doors.

"I got it." I say walking towards the front of the diner where the group of greasers stood waiting.

"Hello, welcome to The Dingo, Table of six?" The tall man who had an arm around a girls shoulder nods. "Okay, right this way please." I say grabbing six menus and walking to the back booth that was clean, I place the menus on the tabletop as they all slide in. "Can I get you started with some drinks?" I ask pulling out the pad and pen that were in my apron.


"Some Pop."

"Make that 3 pops total"

"Chocolate milk"

"Uh water too please." I write all the orders down, smiling at them.

"Alright ill get those ready while you have a look at the menu." I walk away going to the fountain machine, where Mandy was, refilling a glass.

"We never said that we love each other. Not once." I big crash heard as I look that she dropped the glass of the ground with her jaw dropped, luckily it was only water.

"Never?"She whispered- yelled at me as she got the broom as I began filling glasses and sticking them on trays.

"Never." I confirmed.

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