11. Blindsided

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It was weird eating dinner without Ponyboy, so much so we didn't talk at all. We just ate and stared at Pony's spot, as if we were magically waiting for him to show up. Although we knew he wasn't going to, he got in trouble with the fuzz, he was too scared to come back. After dinner i mutter goodnight to my brother's and made my way into my bedroom, silently closing the door behind me.

"You dig Ella?" I jump, turning and pressing myself against the door in fear at the quiet voice in my room. Looking at my bed, laid Dally, with an arm behind his head.

"Dally." I exhaled with relief, relaxing. "What are you doin' in my room? When did you get here?" I ask walking towards him, pulling my dark hair from the ponytail I put in right before dinner.

"I came to check on you man." He said, sitting up on the bed, resting his elbow on his knee.

"Well i'm fine. How long you been here?" I asked walking over to my bookshelf and rearrange the books, pretending i was doing something that was important.

"Long enough. Listen about earlier, I just wann-"

"It's nothin' Dallas. Just drop it." my voice came quiet.

"Doll our business just got laid out on the table, and you're acting like it ain't botherin' you man." His voice thick with attitude, as he stood from his spot on the bed.

"I ain't actin' like it's nothin'. So shut your trap Dallas Winston." Bitter flew out as I turned and glared at him.

"No you shut your trap Arella Jean. You act like like I don't know you man. When I do. Sometimes even better then yourself man. This isn't just your business Arella, It's mine too man." He walks stopping right in front of me, and I stood there looking down at our feet. Dally lifts his hand up, placing a finger under my chin making me look at him. "Do you regret it?" His voice was soft, softer then I've ever heard before.

"You know I don't Dally. But I-"

"But nothin' man. This isn't about how Darry feels. Or Soda. Two, Steve, or any of 'em. It was you and I man. Just two people enjoying themselves." He whispers leaning his face closer to mine, as I feel his hot breath fan over my face. "It doesn't matter if Two-Bit likes it or not."

"Dally. Don't." I whisper, he pulls his face away with a deep breath, walking to the window.

"I better go before Darry comes in here and skins me." He opens the window and climbs out, closing it without another word. A sigh passes my lips as I walk to my bed and fall onto my mattress. Just come home Ponyboy.


I awoke the next morning Darry had to give a ride to school on his way to work because Two-bit never showed, and I wasn't able to get a hold of Dally. Darry practically sped me off to school trying to manage to not be late to work. Getting to school I get out of Darry's truck and all the Soc's laugh seeing Darry speed off, rolling my eyes I make my way in the front doors. The hallway divided by leather jackets and letter man jackets, black jeans and poodle skirts.

I instantly walked to the greaser side of the hallway, keeping my head high I glance at everyone in the hallway, scanning for a specific greaser. Unfortunately I couldn't find him before a Soc stepped in front of me, biting the inside of my cheek glaring at him.

"Hey greaser. How about we head behind the bleachers for some fun. You can keep the heels on." He winks at me. I look down and glance at my black heels and black skinny jeans, where I tucked a red shirt into and covered my shoulders with a black leather jacket.

"You have a hand. Use it." I go to walk past him,but he grabs my wrist.

"That's no way to talk to me greaser." He pulls me back and I stumble as he releases my wrist from his grip. I fall into someones body, the person immediately steadies me at my hips and I turn to see Steve glaring at the Soc.

"Why don't you walk off and lave her alone." His voice was firm. He releases my hips but pulls me behind him.

"Do we have a problem greaser?" The Soc steps forward into steves face, Steve didn't back down and just glared.

"I guess we just might." Steve calmly says, suddenly greasers lined up behind us, and the Soc glances around, backing down he goes to his groups of friends. Everyone behind us retreats back to their previous spots, Steve turning to stare at me.

"Why are you late? Better yet why aren't you with two? You don't ever walk these halls alone Arella." Steve rambled on, and I stopped mid walk in the hallway. "What?" Steve stops and narrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"You saw Two-Bit today?" He nods his head. "In school?" He nods again. "Two-Bit didn't show up at my house today, Darry had to give me a ride because of this. Hell I couldn't even get a hold of Dally."

"Two-Bit didn't pick you up today?" I shake my head. "I think I might know where he's at." He begins to walk and I have to take twice the steps due to his long legs. We turned the corner where we saw Two-Bit closing his locker, He turns seeing us and his face falls flat as he stares at me. Shaking his head he begins to walk the other way.

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