4. Home

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I sat in the car running my fingers through my hair waiting for Dally to get back from inside of Sylvia's house. Hearing them screaming at each other I turn the radio on, Frank Sinatra playing, me just singing under my breath.

"No Dallas!?" I hear more clearly, looking over I see Dally walking out, hit hand holding his lip.

"You dumb broad." Dally says walking in front of the car, and Sylvia runs out of the house.

"No Dallas! We've been through everything together! You were in jail! What was I supposed to do?" He cries out, and he slips into the drivers seat, immediate turning down the radio. Sylvia still continuing to scream and we just watch her with amusement. She begins to slap her hands against the hood of the car, screaming as mascara ran down her face.

"Fucking Christ man." Dally muttered, backing out so fast, Sylvia almost fell to the ground.

"So what happened in there?" I asked laughing as were on the road to Bucks.

"She tried sleeping with me man. Sayin' she'd make it up to me. Got all bitchy when I told her no and leave me alone man. Accused me of bein' with you man." I laugh at him, and he sends a glare at me.

"I told you she was psycho. Drop me off at my place before you head back to Bucks." He nods his head and we make it to my house with no words between us, just me humming along with the quiet radio.

"Alright I'll catch you later Dallas." I say getting out of the car not waiting for a response, neither did he as he sped off in the direction of the bar. Turning around I walk through my gate, and up the stairs towards the front door when I hear my boyfriend yell.

"Holler Uncle!" I look to see him laying with Soda in his arms, well more like choking Soda with his arms. Steve sitting on the couch with Johnnycake, Laughing at my boys. I walk across the room, sitting in Darry's arm chair, seeing that he nor Ponyboy were not back yet.

"No!" Soda yells wrestling around on the floor. Hearing the front door squeak I turn my gaze to see Darry, with his tool belt on his shoulder, covered in dirt. Him not taking a second glance at the two boys on the floor, knowing it was nothing serious he takes his tools to his room. Finally the two boys manage to get out of each others grasp, get up off the floor. Soda made his way over to Steve smiling. Two made his way towards me, wrapping his hands around my wrist, he pulls me off the chair. Looking at him confused, he sits in my spot smiling at me, as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his lap.

"How was it picking up ol' Dally?" He asks, completely ignoring Soda's and Steve's bickering in the background.

"You know Dally. It was annoying, went over to Sylvia's that was fun. Didn't want to go back to Bucks, so i Made Dally drop me off here." He smiles at my response pressing his lips to mine gently, that moment it clicked to me that Pony wasn't home, yet johnny was here. Pulling away I get off Two-Bit's lap, walking over to Soda and Steve. "Where's Pony?" Silence filled the room as we all shared glances, in the few moments of silence we herd screaming.

"Darry! Darry! Soda! Ah! Arella!" Just as fast as lightning the whole gang was piling out the door, me and Johnny being last. Turning the corner I see all the Guys apart from johnny and Darry trying to yank them soc's out of their red mustang. I see Two-Bit, Steve, and Soda throwing punches as the Soc's begin to back away. Out of nowhere Dally comes running out grabbing a stick and throwing it at the mustang that drove away.

Running over to Pony, I drop to my knees, imitatively moving his head around looking for any serious injuries. Lifting his head up I see a long gash on the underside of his neck. The moment Soda Is next to us, pulling out a white rag and holding it to his bleeding wound.

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