9. Here With Me

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"Hey we're okay." Two bit whispers, wrapping his hands around my wrist. "Open your eyes, we're safe." I open my wet eyes, and see his grey ones staring at me with concern, looking out the wind shield I see we made it to the hill he was talking about near our house, and we were parked at the park. I wrap my arms around his neck squeezing him into me, letting sobs rake through me. "We're okay. I'm sorry, I should have never sped with you in the car." he whispers into my hair as i pressed my face in his neck. "I love you so much, i'm so sorry."

It took me 15 minutes just to peel myself away from Two-Bit and get out of the car. He gets around to the passenger side of the car and tucks me under his arm as we stood there staring at his car on the side walk.

"I think it's a good thing that we didn't go to Texas in this thing." I joke, and he smiles, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his lips to mine, I pull away from him. "Also remind me to never get in the car with you when your angry, cause holy fu-" He smashes his lips to mine, making me smile into the kiss. Finally we end up walking home together hand- in- hand, well until I shoved him in a bush and took off running.

Thanks to his long legs it only took a minute for him to catch up, and swing me over his shoulder. "No!" I laugh as he tickles my waist. He set me down as we got on my street, and i hopped on his back, and he walked us all the way to my front door. I laugh going to twist the nob, when the door was yanked open by an angry Steve.

"Can y'all be quiet? Soda finally fell asleep!" I scrunch my eyebrows together looking behind Steve, to see Soda curled into a ball on the sofa, with red puffy eyes. "Sandy moved away and he wrote a letter to her, it got returned to him without being opened. He's upset about it, doesn't help that Pony took off and got himself in trouble." I walk past Steve, leaving him and Two-Bit talking about fixing his broken car. Walking over to the couch, I drop to my knees and run my fingers through his hair, stroking it out of his face.

"Hey Sodapop. C'mon, lets go lay down." I whisper, waking him up. I turn to see the two boys standing outside with the door closed, giving us room. Soda opens his eyes staring at me, I give him a soft smile. "C'mon bud, let's go lay down." i say again, he nods standing up. I follow him into his bedroom where he lays down on his stomach, I smile covering him in his blanket.

"Thank you." He mutters into his pillow, making me give a sad smile.

"You know where i'll be if you need me buddy." I whisper before planting my lips on my forehead, like i do with Pony. he just hums in response as he falls asleep once again. I walk out of the room slowly closing the door, seeing Steve glaring and crossing his arms at Two-Bit in the living.

"Whats goin' on here?" I ask slowly walking out of the hallway.

"Oh nothin' Just speedy over here tellin' me how he almost killed ya." Steve says not taking his eyes of Two-Bit, who watched me start laughing.

"Steve, that was the most emotional ten minutes of my life." Two-Bit tries to hold back a smile, but fails completely. Making Steve narrow his eyes at Two-Bit, shoving his shoulder.

"You think this is funny Bit? You almost killing your girlfriend? Our friends sister? A member of our gang?" Two-Bit looks at me as I walk between them.

"Okay Steve, guess what it happened. Okay? All that matters is we're safe, we're alive. and -"

"And you slept with Dallas." Steve cuts me off, my jaw drops and I turn towards Two-Bits who eyes were wide, slapping his shoulder i glare at him.

"I can't believe you told him that Two!" I turn towards Steve.

"Why are you making bad decisions Arella! You know what Darry and Sodapop are goin' to think don't cha?" he says crossing his arms

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