Walk Away...Or Not

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"Hey Mandy, Arella, can I speak with you for a moment?" Our manager George asked us when i returned from taking my table the drinks and getting their order. Slipping Greg - the cook- the order I follow Mandy and George to the back room.

"Listen guys, Shelby and Karen called in sick. I'm going to need you to pull a double shift today." Both of our mouths open wide.

"You're kidding right? Double shift? You want us to open and close?" I say, my words very angry.

"Yes. But it's not like you can't use the money greaser." He say'd walking past me bumping his shoulder against mine. I stare at the wall in front of me fighting to hold my tears and anger back.

"I cannot believe he said that to you! Are you okay?" She asks me placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just cannot wait till the day I can quit." I say turning around and going to check on the food that I was waiting to take to my table. A couple hours later, I managed to keep the tables cleared as it got busy, more greasers were showing up and hanging out in the parking lot.

"George a fight is bout to break out in the lot!" Mandy shouts to the back of the diner, where I hear him mutter out loud, more then likely dialing the police. hearing a siren tells me that my thoughts were true, and i take the bucket of dishes into the back where our dishwasher Jonathan was cleaning them. Walking back to the front I want the cops talking to the greasers that were fighting. hearing the chime of the door makes my attention turn as I see my boys Dally, Pony, and Johnny standing there.

"I got it." I said to Mandy walking past her, towards the boys. "Hey guys! Y'all getting a bite?" Dally smiles at me.

"You know it doll, Pony, Johnny, why don't y'all go find a booth while I have little chat with Ella here." I furrow my brows in confusion as the two boys nod and walk off, then I notice that Ponyboy doesn't have a jacket on.

"He's gonna get cold tonight." I say looking back to Dally, who had an eyebrow raised at me. "What?" I asked confused.

"What's wrong? I have never seen you more excited to see me, then well, that time we uh."

"It's nothing. I just have to pull a double shift because people are assholes. Then my boss is a fucking dick wad, telling me that i shouldn't mind it because i need the money because I'm a greaser." I say running my hands on my face, he just gives m a small smile.

"I can beat his face in man." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks Dall, but I can handle it, you taught me well ya know." He smiles at me a we walk towards the booth where Johnny and Pony were. "Okay what do you guys want?" I ask, pulling out the pad.

"Uh can i get a burger and fries with chocolate milk please?" Pony asks with hope in his eyes.

"Course you can buddy." I say running my hand over his head to his neck. "Johnnycake?"

"Same as Pony, but with some coke please." he says looking at me, i'm close enough to johnny where he doesn't get scared or shy, which makes me happy.

"Okay mister Dallas Winston what would you like?" He smirks at me.

"I'll uh get the same as Johnny man." I smirk at him.

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