13. Who Knew

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"Miss Curtis?" A teacher walks up to where Steve and I stood. I raised my eyebrow crossing my arms across my chest. "You need to come to the office. It seems you are also to blame for this brawl." I roll my eyes as I say bye to Steve and walk down to the office where Two-Bit was sitting, holding a tissue to his bleeding nose. She motions for me to sit and I do, right beside Two-Bit, I just look to the floor not knowing if it was appropriate to speak to him.

"Are you okay?" His voice made me jump, I look over to see blood smudged under his nose.

"I'm fine. Thank you. You know, you didn't have to jump in right?" He gives a small smile.

"I know. We may not be on the greatest terms right now, but there was no way I was going to let that happen to you. You're still apart of my gang." I give him a small smile.

"Listen Two, I don't want you to think that you're a rebound. B-"

"Was I?" He cut me off, a somber look etching onto his face, causing my heart to throb.

"Two-Bit when I told you I loved you, I wasn't lying. I love you more than you could imagine. I know you're sensitive when it comes to relationships after Kathy, bu-"

"I'm not sensitive. I'm tuff." He groans.

"Uh-huh, sure you are puppy. But the point is I know you don't trust easy because of her. But I did use you as a rebound, I was in love with Dally, and after that night he told me that it was never going to happen. I needed to get over him, and you were there. But I don't regret it, because I love you." I take his hand in mine, running a finger over his knuckles that were beginning to bruise.

"Do you still love him?" Somber filled his expression as he looked at me once more. I nod my head as he let's out a deep breath, pulling his hand from mine.

"Two-Bit. I told you before I'd never choose Dallas over you." He opens his mouth to respond but the principle walks out and looks at the two of us.

"Miss Arella Curtis, we got your brother on the phone waiting to talk to you." I nod standing up and following him into his office, where his phone sat on the desk, I pick the phone up and lift it to my ear.

"Hello?" fear filling my voice as I expect the worse.

"Arella? What the hell is happening?" Soda's voice fills my ears and relief fills though my chest.

"Soda, I'll tell you everything when I see you. Long story sort a girl got mouthy shoved me, and a soc pulled me over his shoulder and Two-Bit helped me out."

"You know Darry is going to flip right? They tried to get a hold of him and couldn't, that's why i'm here."

"Yeah yeah."

"I called Dally to come get you."

"No. Do not send Dallas Winston here. Not now."

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