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Y/n's POV
It was a dark and cold October night. I was standing at a bus stop, trying to call my boyfriend to come and pick me up.

But for some reason, he was not answering my calls. So, I stood there waiting for a bus.

I checked my watch and was shocked to see that it was already 11 o'clock, and the probability of getting a bus at this hour was pretty much negligible.

So instead, I decided to call for a cab.

A man wearing all black from head to toe came and stood beside me, his face covered with a black mask and the hood of his sweatshirt.

I was checking for an available cab, but there was none at first. Luckily, I found one and was about to book it.

But that stranger grabbed my hand, shocking me and making me look at him furiously.

I tried to shake his hand off, but failed as his grip was too tight.

Then, I tried self-defense, kicking his leg with a lot of force.

When his grip loosened, I shook his hand again and luckily got freed this time.

Without wasting any more time, I quickly ran from there.

I went into an alley to hide, but it didn't take him long to start following me.

I was sweating and shaking terribly in fear, but I maintained my speed in order to find a safe place.

I also tried to make a call for help, but it was of no use as I couldn't get any network there.

After walking some distance, my throat dried up and my fast-beating heart skipped a beat as I saw the dead end, the alley finished.

I turned, and that man was right in front of me.

My breath became hitched, realizing that there was no way out now.

I tried shouting but froze at what I saw next.

That man took out something shiny from his pocket, and it was a... knife.

Then he started to take steps towards me. I was so terrified that I could hear his every step so profoundly in my ears, with my heart pounding like crazy in my chest and chills running down my spine.

Renjun's POV

I had just finished my pending work.

An excited sigh left my mouth when I realized that now I could take a few days off from work and go on a trip with my girlfriend.

I checked my phone and was shocked to see 15 missed calls from her, realizing that it was on silent mode.

It was 11:15. I quickly dashed to my car and tried calling her, but there was no response.

So, I decided to track her location and found it.

I became more and more tense with every passing second. My gut was telling me that something was terribly wrong.

I stopped in front of a street and ran in the direction until my body froze at the view in front of me.

A man holding a knife was taking steps towards a girl while she was shaking in terror.

Fear and anger came together when I realized who the girl was. It was the girl I could not afford to lose in a million years.

My Y/n.

A/N: Hi everyone so finally the first chapter is out.
Well in this Y/n is being chased by a stranger and her boyfriend who is Renjun comes to rescue.

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