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Y/n's POV

We arrived in front of the hall and those big gates opened for us.

I felt like a real princess walking in the most gorgeous dress, beside my king-like dad and to the prince of my life.

As we entered, the atmosphere filled with floral confetti and cheers of our loved ones.

I couldn't help but smile widely, looking at all of my friends and family.

There was also a time when I never thought that I would ever be able to experience this special moment of every girl's life.

But I am extremely grateful to God for making it a reality today. I walked down the aisle with my right hand interlocked with my dad's, and my eyes met another pair of eyes that were looking only at me and were mine forever.

Even though we spent less time as a couple, the special bond we shared was enough for destiny to make us one.

But deep down, I was also afraid that this would really be worth it.

I just suppressed those thoughts and concentrated on my present as it is all I got.

When we reached our destination, my father took my hand in his and held them while preparing to say something.

"Dear, I know you are an amazing boy. So, today I am handing you the most precious part of me. I hope you will take care of her," he said, almost holding back his tears.

Jaemin bowed to him before saying, "First off, thank you so much, Dad, for thinking of me as worthy enough to take care of your daughter. I will make sure that I can fill all the parts of her life with my love for her. I promise I will never let go of her, till my last breath."

My father finally shed tears, but this time they were of joy, and he pulled Jaemin into a big hug.

As his last words rang in my ears, 'till my last breath,' I gulped, feeling that lump forming in my throat once again.

1 hour ago


Jaemin's POV

I was really nervous before the ceremony started.

I was standing in the hall with Mark and Chenle, who just arrived after meeting y/n.

"So here is our lucky guy," Mark said as he pulled me into a hug.

I smiled upon seeing them and said, "That is something I am sure of, but I just hope everything goes well today," I said tensely.

"Don't worry, we have already checked the arrangements, and all is set to go," Chenle said in order to calm me down.

"Well, do you want to hear some interesting news?" Chenle said with a big grin on his face, side-eyeing Mark,

who was looking at him questioningly. "My son finally found someone he likes," he said, jumping in excitement, and I was shocked.

"Really! Congratulations, bro," I said as I went to hug him once again.

But he pushed me away, stating, "Wait, wait, wait, it's not really confirmed; maybe she already has a boyfriend,"

he said, looking down. I looked at Chenle, quite confused, asking him to clarify things for me. "Well, it's a cousin of Y/n who is visiting here. It's like love at first sight," he clarified.

I nodded, finally understanding the situation.

"Don't worry, bro, both Y/n and I will help you,"
I said as I patted his shoulder to encourage him.

"By the way, how much time is left for her to come?" Mark asked me.
"Almost an hour," I replied.

Time skip to one hour later. Now it was finally time.

The two big gates opened, revealing her in a heavenly white gown, making her look like an angel.

I was just amazed at the thought that the girl it took me several years to forget was right in front of me and coming towards me to become mine forever.

I looked at her, her bright smile almost blinding. She looked at me, our eyes met, and neither of us could look away.

They approached me, and her father gave her hand in mine. It felt so fragile that I wanted to protect it at all costs.

She looked so fragile, like the first time I saw her.

"First off, thank you so much, dad, for thinking of me as worthy enough to take care of your precious daughter. I will make sure that I can fill all the parts of her life with my love for her. I promise I will never let go of her, till my last breath." I said those words to him, while glancing at her during the last part.

It was now time to say our vows. I was the first one to go. I cleared my throat before starting,

"you are my best friend, my confidence, and most importantly my love for life. Today I stand before you promising to be your sanctuary in the storm, your heaven of peace, and your unwavering support. I vow to listen with an open heart and to share my dreams and fears fearlessly. I promise to be your cheerleader, your partner in growth, and your anchor when life's waters get rough. With you, I have discovered love and I pledge to cherish and protect it with all that I am. I vow to love you unconditionally, to choose you every day, and to honor the sacred bond we share, for now and always."

With that, I gave a break to my part.

A/n:now what should I say about this, umm the calm before the storm. 😅
Well anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the story😊

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