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So we arrived at the restaurant, and both of us were extremely hungry.

He had already booked a private dining room just for both of us.

I was a bit uneasy, but this time I didn't let it show, just to keep his heart for one day.

Because if this continues, I am surely gonna beat his ass up for flaunting his money too much.

Anyway, we entered the room, and he pulled the chair for me.

Oh my god, why is he so sweet? I sat there giving him my sweetest smile.

"Being too nice to your best friend for whom you didn't have a little time for till like yesterday,"
I said smirking.

Because I know I am pretty successful in pissing him off right now.

He let out a sigh and said,
"Okay, so can I get to know how long I'm gonna get mocked for that, hmm?"

He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

I leaned towards him and said almost whispering,

I gave him a wink and backed up.

He rolled his eyes before saying something I didn't get and opened the menu to order something.

"Wait, what did you say again?"
I asked, frowning and getting closer to hear clearly.

This time he also got closer and said, "nothing."

The same way I whispered a few seconds ago.

"Anyway, what would you like to eat?"
He said as he changed the topic.

"Hmm, what should I?"
I basically thought out loud as I opened the menu in front of me.

After a few minutes, we both placed our orders and waited for our food to arrive.

We ate quietly; usually, this kind of silence makes me uncomfortable, but with him, it was never the case since high school.

My train of thoughts came to a pause when I heard him clear his throat.

"Um, do you wanna know who my crush is?"
He said while looking down.

My head snapped in his direction as soon as words left his mouth.

I looked at him curiously.
"Well, it's the girl sitting in front of me."

And I knew it was me because both of us are the only ones in the room.

I choked on my food. He quickly gave me a glass of water and came closer to rub my back.

"Yaah, you should eat carefully,"
he nagged while worriedly looking at me.

"I am fine,"
I said when I got stable.

"See, it's not like I want to burden you..."

"No, it's not like that,"
I cut him and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I mean, I never realized this, and you don't have to be guilty about it, okay?"
I said, reassuring him and gave him a sweet smile.

His facial features relaxed as he said,
"I know it's quite wrong of me to tell you now out of a sudden, but I just wanted you to know the truth."

We stayed silent for a bit as I strangely felt calm after he said those words that someone I might be going to marry does actually like me.

I gave him a sweet smile before breaking the ice.

"No, please don't be sorry for saying the truth, and I also have to move on, if not now then later."

Again, silence was only heard between us.

"Well then, I guess I should be lucky knowing I was popular in high school."
He laughed at my weird attempt to make a joke in this situation.

He took a deep breath before finally standing up and bent down to offer his hand to me.

"May I dance with you then?"
he said in a gentle tone.

I looked into his eyes and was melted by his gaze. That was the first time I saw him as a man rather than a friend.

I took his hand and stood up with his help. Just then, slow music started to play in the background, and we started to dance slowly to the beat.

He held my waist in a gentle way, and my arms snaked through his neck.

"So, will you be my girlfriend, Park Y/n?" he asked while dancing.

"Yes, I will,"
I answered, looking straight into his eyes.

I felt content at that moment.

But I tried to hide my tears the best I could during our ride back home as the flashback started coming to my mind.

"I will see you tomorrow,"
that's when I realized he said as we reached my house and were standing in front of the door.

I nodded and got inside my home.



I was alone in the classroom after the school hours were over, completing some of my work.

I heard someone barge in, but I didn't look up until he called me,
"Y/n." It was Renjun.

I looked up at him and waited for him to continue.

He came to me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me out of the classroom.

Before I could say anything, we were already in the garden in front of the school.

He then turned to me.

I looked at him with curiosity written all over my face.
He took a deep breath before saying,
"I like you, Park Y/n."

My eyes widened, and my heart raced, realizing that the guy I liked since the first day liked me back.

I went silent as I processed everything.

"See, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. If you... Damn,"
his hand ran through his hair in frustration while I just stood there dumbfounded.

"I like you too,"
I said almost like a whisper.

"What!?" He looked at me surprised.



"I mean, you are not joking, right?"

"No, I am not," with that, he took me in his embrace.


Meanwhile, Jaemin's POV:

Today, I finally confessed my feelings and thankfully got accepted.

My heart raced; it surely was about to jump out of my chest.

But it broke when I realized the tears forming in her eyes on our way back home.

I couldn't say anything as I know I have to give her some space in order to forget the past; only then will she be able to accept her present.

But don't worry, my love, I will make sure to rescue you from each bit of those horrible memories you have, which at some point were so special to you.

A/n: Some emotional stuff here. But now I feel bad for three of them. 😔
Anyway, I hope you are liking the story. Okay love you byee.

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