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Author's POV

Both of their phones rang just as Jaemin made the announcement.

It was a text from Mark in the group chat.

"Y/n! Where are you? And what about your promise?" he wrote.

She glanced at Jaemin, and both of them broke into laughter.
"Let's plan a meetup with them tomorrow," he suggested, and she agreed.

Next day

Y/n's POV

We arrived at the cafe we had decided on. Unfortunately, we were half an hour late due to Jaemin's work.

"Woah, some high-class people are finally here," Haechan sarcastically welcomed us as we quickly took our seats.

He stood up and continued, "Would you like something, ma'am and sir?"
Jaemin gave him a quick death glare, which made him shut up instantly.

However, the air was still tense between us until Mark broke the ice.
"Y/n, I can't believe you broke our promise."
"I am really sorry—"
"Although I didn't have any expectations from your husband," he added.

Jaemin slightly chuckled in disbelief, making all of us look at him.

"Well, Mr. Mark Lee,"
This was getting tense now as I shared some nervous glances with Sana and Chenle present there.

"I would like it if you hear us out first and we are not 24/7 free for something you should be doing."

That was it. Mark was about to go on, but Chenle was quick to hold him down.

"Wait, Mark, just listen to them first."

"Yeah, Mark, I'm sorry for the delay, but I didn't forget it. In fact, I heard just yesterday that she went to the USA last week, a few days later our marriage."

He finally listened, and silence was again in the air.

"What about the meeting then?"
He asked.

"Well, we got nice news for all of you and mainly concerning your matter, Mark."

I looked at Jaemin to announce it. At first, he just shrugged his shoulders but eventually stood up.

"So, my father has decided to send me to the USA to have some training, for which he also asked me to choose the team members myself."

All of us were listening carefully.

"Therefore, for my team, I choose Chenle, Haechan, and Mr. Lee."

I stood up next.
"And for my assistance, Sana, I will be glad to invite you."

She gave me a quick nod with a sweet smile. Jaemin just sat in his seat and didn't talk much throughout the session.

"Hey, Jae, I am sorry," Mark finally said, and all of us turned to Jaemin again.

"Fine, but I will not tolerate this behavior again. You should at least give some time for the person to explain," Jaemin said.
Mark nodded with guilt.

"Okay, so time for a friendly hug," Chenle practically shouted while clapping his hands.

I looked at Jaemin; at first, he just reluctantly shook his head no but agreed after getting a death glare from me.

"Anyway, when are we leaving?"
Sana asked.

"Next month."

"Cheers to our foreign placements!" Haechan stood up, and we broke into laughter, clinking our glasses together before taking our first sip of the night.

"So how were your first few days of marriage, Y/n?" Haechan asked, teasing me.

"We were best friends and dated for 2 months before marriage, so I don't think it was that much of a change. Right, Y/n?"

He competed and slightly tilted towards me in the end and smirked a bit, catching me completely off guard as he was able to witness me blushing as all the events of the month flashed before me. It was more special than any of the previous moments we had.

"Anyway, what about you guys? When are you planning to ask Haechan?"

Thankfully, he changed the topic soon enough for me to adjust, keeping the amusement to himself. He is definitely gonna pay for this.

Haechan surely was expecting this question as he had already done all the arrangements.

The background music changed to 'Still With You' by Jungkook of BTS, and Sana was thrown into the spotlight, making her startled a bit.

Then all of us witnessed our prince-like Haechan getting on his knees for his girl and pulling out the ring box from his pocket.

Made me remember my own moment like this, which made me glance at Jaemin but quickly diverted as we made eye contact.

But he was admiring me since the lights went dim. Although the spotlight was for someone else, he just couldn't help but notice how magically those dim rays of light were playing on the face he never wanted to take his eyes off. His little admiring session was interrupted by loud cheers from the people present there as Sana accepted Haechan's offer.

He then asked for her hand to dance, and it was all so adorable. While I was busy admiring them, someone cleared his throat at the side, and that's when I realized a hand was waiting for me too. I looked to the side and found him bowing like a majestic prince. A wide smile found its way to my face as I quickly accepted the offer.

Both of us, looking into each other's eyes with slow music in the background. Our bodies moved in sync, not caring about anything.

Mark sighed as he looked at us from a distance.

Chenle was quick to notice, so he reached out his hand for him.

Mark gave him a really disgusted look. "Seriously, Chenle."

"Why not? You are my dear son,"
Chenle said, taking all the fun himself.

Mark pushed his hand aside and turned to him.

"Anyway, don't you have anyone in your life?"
His tone was heavy.

"Well, I did. But, leave it."
Both of them went silent afterwards.

A/n: okay what a nice way to kill the mood right 🤭 but any way. Finally a longer chapter. I hope you guys enjoy😊

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