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Y/n's POV:

No matter how much I tried to calm myself down, I still ended up crying all night that day because of all those memories.

Isn't it surprising that at some point in time I was thankful for them, but now their only remembrance is capable of haunting me all night.

Well, it's been a week since then, and today is Sunday, finally a day I can spend being invisible.

I totally immersed myself in work this, therefore my body is screaming at me for rest.

I woke up and totally didn't intend to get up from my bed as it feels ten times cozier now.

Father left early in the morning with his friends.

He came to my room while I was pretending to sleep.

The bell of the house rang.

I didn't care to wake up as I knew the maid would take care of whoever it was.

I was lucky that it was a weekend and I can take the time to heal.

After a few minutes of the bell ringing, I heard someone knocking on my door.

I cursed under my blanket and kicked in the air.

Someone really has to interfere when I want to be alone the most.

Still, I somehow controlled my anger and managed to get up.

I opened the door ready to give a deadly glare to whoever it was.

But to my surprise, I saw a really beautiful bouquet of sunflowers.

My face lightened up looking at it.

Then he revealed his face behind the flowers, and it was none other than my best fri- no boyfriend.

"Good morning, my dear,"
he said while smiling and offering the flowers to me.

I accepted them and gave him a sweet smile before replying,
"Good morning."

My eyes widened when I realized that I just woke up and must be looking like a mess.

He looked at me, confused at my change in expressions.

I quickly closed the door right in his face and locked it.

I ran in front of the mirror, putting the flowers carefully on the bed, and went to fix my look.

"Hey Y/n, is there something wrong?"
he said, still confused at my action.

I mentally facepalmed myself and felt guilty for him.

I quickly finished and opened the door in a few minutes.

"I... wait, come in first,"
I said as I stepped aside to let him enter and then closed the door.

He sat in one corner of the bed.

"Make yourself at home,"
I said while I was busy fixing the mess.

"No, it's fine. I mean, you are still pretty much the same,"
he said with a grin, looking at me.

I stopped to look at him and let out an embarrassed chuckle as I realized he remembered this too.

"I... Well, it's Sunday. What am I supposed to do? I'm busy the whole week, and now I just wanted a good rest, and still, some people can't see me being comfortable,"

I said, crossing my arms, defending myself.

"Ok, ok, you don't have to talk like you are going to kill me just because I invaded your room on a weekend,"

he said, pretending to be scared.

"Well, in that case, I will forgive you as you got me these nice flowers,"

I said in a stern tone while sniffing the flowers.

He let out a chuckle as he found my actions adorable.

He got up, walked to me, and poked my cheeks from both sides.

"Why are you so cute?"
he said with a bright smile on his face.

I would surely be lying if I said that I wasn't moved by that bright smile on his face.

I stared at him for the next few seconds.

"Hey, are you here?"
he said while waving his hand in front of my eyes.

My eyes widened, and I lowered my head, praying that I was invisible right now as I have already embarrassed myself enough in front of him.

Just then, we heard a maid calling, "Ma'am, sir, breakfast is ready."

I quickly grabbed the opportunity, made him turn, and pushed him out of the room.

"You go; I will come in a few minutes,"
I blabbered and closed the door behind him.

I leaned on it and let out a groan.

Agh, why does everything have to go like this on the day I need rest the most?

After a few minutes, I got ready and went downstairs.

He was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I went to sit beside him. We started eating together.

"Umm, it's really nice, miss,"
he complimented her, and a big smile spread across her face.

"Really, do you need more?"
She excitedly offered him.

"Of course."

I was looking at them and wondered that he is still the same, my cute little sunshine.

After we were done eating, he turned to me before saying,
"Well, would you like to go out somewhere?"

He looked at me curiously.

"Umm, I would like to watch a movie with the comfort of my home,"
I said suggestively.

"Done then," he said as he got up to put on the movie.

Just like this, we spent our afternoon together, cuddling like a cute couple.

A/n: Hi guys well just a little filler chapter hope you guys liked it😇
Next chapter is quite something special so stay tuned😘
Plus I want some special announcement for you guys so be sure to follow me on Instagram its_luna3616.
And I also have started to post sneak peaks of the chapters in advance there.

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