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Jaemin's pov

I was struggling to control the overwhelming urge to squeeze the life out of him.

Everytime he spoke to her in that sinister tone, every time his cold eyes scanned her face as if he owned her, every time he dared to touch her - it drove me to the edge.

My head was pounding so violently that I felt ready to commit murder right then and there without a shred of regret.

Chenle standing next to me, was having an even harder time to held me back.

"Dude, I get what you are feeling, but right now you need to use you brains not your fists." Chenle whispered urgently, his voice barely containing the tension.

He was right but my rage was too intense to focus on his words. The only thing I wanted at that moment was to tear apart every inch of him that dared to lay a hand on her- piece by piece, until there was nothing left.

I forced myself to take deep breath, trying to calm down for the moment.

But inside, I made a vow: I will make you pay Kim Doyoung. For everything you have done to my wife and to my brother.

Just then, his guards entered the room, dragging Y/n behind them as they followed him outside.

Y/n's pov

His guards cuffed my hands and roughly dragged me into a car. I felt a wave of fear, but a sense of relief washed over me when Renjun entered and sat in front of me.

His expression remained cold and unreadable, but I could clearly sense the worry hidden behind his mask.

The entire ride was silent until we finally arrived at what seemed like an old, worn-out marketplace.

I flinched when someone suddenly covered my eyes with a black cloth.

Just then, I heard Renjun whisper softly, "I'm here." His voice was a quiet reassurance before he quickly distanced himself, leading me to wherever they were taking me.

I could hear the echoing clicks of footsteps around me as we entered what I imagined was a large, empty hall. My heart was pounding, but I forced myself to stay calm.

"Take her to our special cell," a voice boomed, echoing through the space. I could feel him close, his presence unnerving.

"I will, sir," Renjun responded quickly, earning a nod of approval from the boss.

Renjun wasn’t the only one escorting me to the cell. Of course, a few guards followed closely behind, ensuring I had no chance of escaping.

Their heavy footsteps echoed through the narrow hallway, reminding me of the weight of my situation.

When my eyes were finally uncovered, I blinked several times, adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room.

It was a stark contrast to the gloomy corridors outside.

I realized we were underground, as the faint hum of traffic above filtered through the ceiling.

The cell itself was small, with white-painted walls that only added to the feeling of isolation.

At the center of the room was a cold metal block, about half the size of a bed.

It looked like a makeshift bench. Above my head, a 360° surveillance camera hummed softly, capturing every move I made.

The entrance to the cell was sealed by an almost invisible but impenetrable wall of lasers, glowing faintly, warning me not to even think about escaping.

It was clear that this was a high-security detention room—every inch of the place felt like a prison designed to crush any hope of freedom.

Renjun gave me a small push, nudging me deeper into the cell. His expression remained distant and cold, playing his part perfectly in front of the guards, but as he turned to leave, I caught his eye.

He mouthed two words to me—"don’t worry." Even though his face remained emotionless, that silent message gave me a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe.

With my hands no longer cuffed, I sat down on the frigid metal block, the cold seeping through my skin.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing heart. All I could do was pray—for their safety.

I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else being caught in this mess, especially not those I loved.

Time seemed to stretch out endlessly as I sat there, surrounded by the cold walls and the ever-watchful eye of the camera.

The silence was suffocating, broken only by the distant sounds of the city above—a reminder of the world that was still out there, just beyond my reach.

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