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Y/n's POV

After bidding the goodbyes, all of us went back to our own business.

Next day

I woke up and saw that Dad had called me, which also reminded me that I hadn't told him about us moving. I quickly got out of the room to talk to him, so as not to disturb Jaemin.

"Good morning, Dad."

"Good morning, princess."

"Are you okay? You called so early."

"No, I was just... Anyway, leave it. I am fine. How are you, my daughter?"

It wasn't hard for me to understand that he was missing me.

"I am great, Dad. Also, I have good news for you."

"Really! What is it?"

"I will tell you in person, so that means I am going to come over today, Dad."


I could clearly imagine him jumping in excitement. And about the news, I am not really sure if it is going to be that great for him.

"Okay, I will prepare your favorite pancakes myself."

I chuckled, finding him so adorable.

"Thanks, Dad, but don't overwork yourself, okay? Take care."

"You too, dear."

With that, we hung up.

I went inside and saw Jaemin was already taking a shower. I just prepared to take a shower next.

Jaemin's POV

I came out of the shower and greeted her.

"Good morning, babe!"

No response. I noticed that she looked a bit uneasy; something was definitely bothering her. And there is no way I am going to the office leaving her like that.

I went on to give her a back hug. She got startled a bit but wrapped her arms around mine. I made her turn to take a closer look.
She was looking down, so I made her look at me by holding her chin.

"What is it, babe?"

I kept my voice soft, while feeling uneasy myself.

"Nothing, it's just... That dad will be alone after I am gone,"
she said, and again her vision fell towards the floor.

"Don't worry, I will do something about it, hon."

She looked at me with hope.

I nodded with a smile to assure my promise.

She pulled me into a tight hug with her head crooked on my chest, catching me off guard and making my heart skip many beats.

Although I also wrapped my arms around her.

"You are the best, Jaemin."

This is something which made me fall in love with her; that she always thinks about others before herself, and making them happy is her happiness, and I will do anything for her happiness.

"Also, I am visiting him today in the evening,"
she said as she broke the hug.

"Fine then, I too will join. Alright?"

She nodded and went to freshen up.

Time skip to the evening.

I am on my way to pick her up, and then both of us will go there together.
We arrived at the destination, but before I could get off, she asked,
"Jaemin, what did you think about the issue?"

I replied with a smile, "Don't worry, I will tell both of you together."

After that, I opened the car door for her and went into the house.

She went and pulled dad into a big hug; both of them were really happy to see each other. And I was quite wholesome to adore the scene. I just stood there admiring them for a couple of minutes.

"Oh, son."With that, he pulled me into a group hug.

All of us broke out in laughter.

We made ourselves comfortable on the couch in the living room after the warm welcome.

"What would you like to eat, son?" He asked me.

"Where are my pancakes, dad?" Y/n interrupted me as I opened my mouth but shut it again.

She can be so childish sometimes, but it will always be cute to me. And I see that dad was also happy to see his daughter laughing and smiling once again.

"Dear, I already prepared them for you and we will serve you together. I was just asking if Jaemin would like to have something else?"

Both of them turned their gaze towards me.

"I... I like pancakes too." That sudden attention made me shudder a bit, but she chuckled, probably finding it cute.

"Alright then, we can move to the dining room," he stood up first.

Both of us followed him.

"Umm, dad, when did you learn how to make such delicious pancakes?" she said while savoring the food, and they were really appreciable.

"Really, are they that tasty? I just watched some tutorials on the internet."

"Well, I guess I have a perfect competition for my husband now,"

she looked at me, making me choke on my food. Dad handed me water soon enough for me to not die.

"Why? Do you also make pancakes, Jaemin?"

He asked me, but again she interrupted me.
"He makes them for me since high school. They were my favorite."

"Hey! What was with the past tense?"

I asked in a low voice. She leaned closer and said, "now they are my second favorite," and in the end, she poked her tongue out to tease me.

I just sighed and enjoyed the food.

"Anyway, was that good news you were talking about, princess?"

She reached out to my hand under the table, making me look at her as she was already looking at me to go on. Okay, finally, for the first time in the evening.

"Dad, we are moving to the USA next month."

"Oh, that's great."
He tried to sound excited, but both of us could see the hesitation in his voice.

"Plus, I, as the future CEO of Soonyang, would like to tell you that we would like to have a collab with your company regarding our upcoming project in the USA. Therefore, you will have to come with us,"

I ended with an assuring smile. Y/n looked at me and was really happy to hear my deal.

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