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Author's POv

After a long-awaited heartfelt meeting of a father and his son, both of them were feeling so light in each other's embrace.

Jaemin also promised himself that he would do everything his brother had wanted from him.
He would prove that he made him stronger.


Jaemin's POV

Right now, I am on my way home. I called Y/n to ask if she needs me to buy something on the way.

"Oh Jaemin, is your work done?" She asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, I am on my way home. I called to ask if you need me to buy anything," he asked, while focusing on the road.

"No, I am with mom, at her house."

"Oh, then I will come there."

"Yeah, sure, mom is waiting for you."

With that, I hung up the call and turned to my mom's house.

As soon as I arrived, I was welcomed with a warm hug from my mom, with Y/n admiring the scene from the back.

"I missed you," Mom said as she broke the hug and cupped my face.

"Mom, we met just yesterday," I said reluctantly.

"You dumb boy, how old are you for me to not worry about you?" And with that, I received a tight punch on my shoulder.

"Come, dinner is ready." With that, Mom dragged me to the dining room with Y/n following us.

We took our seats, but something seemed off with Y/n. I elbowed her and whispered,
"Are you alright?" She just nodded with a smile to assure me, but it didn't help.

I will talk to her when we reach home.

During the whole mealtime, she was silent, while Mom was having a little whispered talk with me.

"Did you meet your father?"
She asked first. I nodded.

"What did he say? Are you guys alright?"

"We are fine, Mom. I will be moving to the USA very soon and will tell her about it later," I replied with a smile.

Finally, she felt relieved after what happened yesterday.

Time skip

We arrived home, and the ride was uncomfortably silent today, as if both of us wanted to say something but didn't know how to.

I parked the car and decided to break the ice.

"What is it?" I turned to her and asked. She let out a sigh.

"I thought we didn't have any secrets," she replied while looking down.

I understood what she was talking about.

"Did mom tell you?"

"Yeah, but I was expecting you."

I took a deep breath before continuing. "I just didn't want you to be worried without any reason."

"Jaemin, we took the vows together and promised to be partners in every phase of life."

This was the first time she raised her voice in front of me, which left me feeling guilty.

"I... I am sorry."
Silence once again filled the atmosphere.

This time she went first.

"Sorry can only do for once. But mark my words, Na Jaemin, if you ever dare to hide anything from me again, that will be the last mistake of your life."
I nodded with a smile.

With that, I opened the car door for her and we went inside.

I closed the door behind and pulled her by her wrist in a back hug.

My face crooked in her neck.

"I have great news for you."

"Really, what is it?"

Her face lit up as she turned to me, and my eyes took their time to admire it.

"I talked with my dad."

"I hope it went well." I nodded.

"So we are going to move to the USA next month."

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