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Author's pov

Kim Doyoung and Taeyong had been best friends since their school days, and both shared the dream of working in the United States.

To make their dreams a reality, they moved to Los Angeles.

Taeyong, with his ambitious spirit, wanted to open a new branch of Soonyang Corporation in the city, and that's exactly what he did.

He asked Doyoung to join him in this new venture, but Doyoung declined.

He had his own dream—he wanted to carve his own path and become a writer.

As time passed, Taeyong became consumed by his work, his schedule so packed that he barely had time for his family.

Meanwhile, Doyoung faced a different kind of challenge. He found himself in trouble with some locals, eventually falling into debt to a notorious mafia group.

Unable to repay what he owed, Doyoung was forced to join their ranks.

What started as a desperate attempt to survive quickly spiraled out of control.

Doyoung's cunning and ambition grew, and before long, he climbed the ranks within the mafia.

His greed consumed him, and he eventually took over the very gang he had once been indebted to.

By the time Taeyong discovered what his best friend had become, it was too late.

Doyoung’s thirst for power had made him blind and deaf to the concerns of others.

Taeyong tried everything he could to bring his friend back to reason, but his efforts were in vain.

Day by day, Doyoung became crueler and more ruthless, much to Taeyong's heartbreak.

Unable to bear it any longer, Taeyong devised a plan to stop his friend.

He secretly gathered information on the mafia’s illegal activities, compiling a detailed document that included every wrongdoings of
Doyoung and the rest of the gang.

He turned the information over to the police, hoping it would put an end to Doyoung's descent into darkness.

Doyoung was arrested and sent to prison, but within six months, he arranged a successful escape.

From that day forward, he never trusted anyone again. He took absolute control of his gang, overseeing every operation himself, becoming even more merciless.

His transformation into a feared criminal was complete.

It was the biggest loss the NCT mafia had ever suffered, and from then on, they only operated in the shadows, striking when the moon was brightest.

But Doyoung’s thirst for revenge didn’t end with his escape.

He was determined to see the one who betrayed him—Taeyong—dead, no matter the cost.

He made several attempts to assassinate his former best friend, but each time, he failed.

When word of Taeyong’s death finally reached Doyoung, he didn’t shed a single tear.

Instead, a cold, sinister smirk crept across his face, as if he had conquered the world. Despite his victory, he felt empty.

Doyoung traveled back to Korea to attend Taeyong’s funeral. There, he met Taeyong’s grieving family.

It was difficult for him to suppress his true emotions, but he managed. Among the mourners was Taeyong’s younger brother, who instantly recognized him.

"Doyoung hyung!" the boy cried, rushing forward to hug him.

Doyoung returned the hug. When the boy pulled back, Doyoung knelt down to his level, his eyes brimming with false sorrow.

Leaning in close, he whispered in the boy’s ear, “Beware.”

The chilling tone of Doyoung's voice sent shivers down the boy’s spine.

He watched in frozen terror as Doyoung straightened up, his devilish smirk reappearing.

Without another word, Doyoung turned and walked away, leaving the boy trembling with fear.

Back to present

Y/n's pov

"Renjun, could you give me a moment alone with my special guest?" he said, grinning wickedly at his side.

Renjun hesitated, gulping nervously at the thought of leaving me alone with him, but he knew he had no choice.

Before he left, his eyes briefly flicked toward the secret door hiding Chenle and Jaemin.

"You can open your eyes now, sweetheart," his cold voice echoed through the empty room.

I slowly opened my eyes, meeting his icy gaze and that devilish smirk on his face. "Good to see you," he said.

I stayed silent as he reached out, brushing a loose strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear.

I flinched slightly at his touch, but he didn’t miss the movement—his sharp eyes were reading every reaction.

"You're far too beautiful to be wasted on someone like *his* brother," he murmured, his gaze wandering over my features.

"Why? Are you so afraid to even say his name?" I asked, fighting the urge to recoil from his closeness.

His expression darkened for a moment, but then his lips curled back into that same sinister grin.

He grabbed my chin harshly, forcing my face up to meet his level.

"So, you do know who we're talking about, huh? Then you must also know about the warning I gave to his brother," he hissed.

I winced at the pain in my jaw, my mind racing at the new piece of information—*a warning*.

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