Chapter 31 - 33

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Chapter 31 I want to have a partner, and the sky will strike like lightning

This bloodthirsty devil! This cruel beast!

Fu Xishui's pupils were stained red by the blood from before. Seeing that the demon couldn't control his strength, he threw a butcher's knife directly at him!

When Jiang Shanzhong saw the butcher knife coming, he ran away quickly.

Fortunately, the force of Fu Xishui's throw was not strong, and Jiang Shanzhong escaped quickly, so the knife did not hit him.

Jiang Shanzhong escaped.

Fu Xishui squatted on the ground, and it took him a long time to digest it and regain his composure before picking up the butcher's knife.

Fortunately, the butcher's knife didn't hit him just now, otherwise he would have been in jail. The life he had just recovered cannot be ruined by the same person again.

He didn't know why he was so unlucky and why he had to meet such scum in his entire life.

In his last life, he lived such a miserable life entirely because of his cowardice. In this life, he will never be like that in his last life. If Jiang Shan dares to ruin his life, he will fight with him first and die together. It must not be destroyed by him.

After he returned the butcher's knife to the uncle, he continued to sell drinks.

Because everyone had tried the drinks sold yesterday, so now they are still obsessed with it and want to drink it again.

Fuxishui is afraid that these people will have diarrhea because they haven't tried anything new, and they will say that there is something wrong with his drink, so he only sells it once a day to the same person.

Moreover, when he sold it, he told the people who had bought it that although the drink tasted delicious, it would not be good for health if they drank too much, so they should be more restrained.

Everyone is not the rich type. After trying something new, it will be fine. Because of the word-of-mouth effect yesterday, it spreads from one to ten, and many people have heard that Fuxishui has a novel drink. , so everyone is waiting here to try what the legendary delicious drink tastes like.

Fuxishui didn't wait for customers at first, but when the traffic peaked, a wave of customers came.

Yesterday, he told some customers who bought drinks that if they wanted to drink next time, it would be better to bring their own cups, which would be cleaner and hygienic.

No, many guests came with cups. Some of them thought they were following the portion given in the cup, so they brought all the kettles at home and wanted to fill a kettle back.

Fuxishui couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it. He explained to them that there are prescribed measuring cups, and one cup is the same size.

The flow of people is increasing, and there is already a long queue at his stall.

The uncle selling ice cream on the side saw that he was so busy and quickly stepped forward to help him.

Fu Xishui looked at the uncle in surprise.

The uncle smiled heartily, showed his white teeth and said, "You helped me a lot by buying all my ice cream, so it's only right for uncle to help you."

Fu Xishui thanked the uncle, and the two of them started working together. Done.

In just one morning, these people who came to buy drinks had already bought all the things made with fine water.

There are still people who haven't been able to drink, so they will definitely come tomorrow. After all, those who can't drink will always be missed.

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