Chapter 266 - 267

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Chapter 266 Xiang Ziye, do you know what love is?

Fu Changliu felt that Xiang Ziye had become really weird recently. He couldn't tell what was weird. Anyway, he was so weird that he didn't know what he was doing. Just like the two of them before, every time After that, Xiang Ziye always got up directly and went to sleep in the room next door. It was impossible to spend the night with him. Even when he stayed overnight, it was because he was too tired and left early in the morning. Company, so it’s difficult for two people to wake up early in the morning and see each other.

But today when he opened his eyes, he saw this man beside the bed, and he was holding him in his arms. Their bodies were touching. This strange phenomenon scared him so much that he almost fell under the bed. .

Fu Changliu thought he had gotten up too early, so he looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 12 o'clock, but he didn't go to work, and he was still holding him.

The main thing is that the thing hasn't left yet, it's always inside.

No matter how shameless Fuchangliu was, he couldn't accept this level of ambiguity, so he pushed him away and was about to leave. However, the person in front of him lied: "Don't move, Fuchangliu, are you looking for death? I didn't let you move." , why are you doing anything and just lie on the bed obediently."

Fu Changliu was speechless: "It's getting late now, it's already 12 o'clock, I want to go back to see Hope. I'm afraid something will happen to Hope."

He always The first time I stayed here, I would always go back early in the morning, but last night was too much, so the two of us had a fight until 12 o'clock. Although we slept well, we were scared and hoped that something would happen at home.

When Xiang Ziye heard what he said, he actually let go of his hand without restraining him. But when he got up and put on his pants, he suddenly grabbed his hand and refused to let him go. Then he prayed He looked at Changliu and said, "Bring Hope here. Can people live in your slum? Hope is still so small and in poor health. Can he maintain his health in that small place? I don't know about that small place. Will it make people sick? I told you at the time that this home was given to you, so after you take over Hope, put it here to raise it. You don’t have to worry, otherwise you How caring are you for always putting your hope at home?"

What he said was also inexplicable. Those who didn't know thought he was speaking from the perspective of Hope's father. He hadn't taken care of him for so many years, and now he still... Pointing at his head and scolding him, where did he get his face?

Fu Changliu pushed him away with a sneer and deliberately provoked him: "If you are really so worried about Hope, then don't look for me in the future. I won't show up after you let me go. Then Hope will be fine. You don't need to You are so kind-hearted, thinking so much about my hopes."

Fu Changliu looked at his stunned face, then got dressed and went into the bathroom to wash up and prepare to leave.

Xiang Ziye's whole person has become strange recently, including her temper. She used to be very angry, and two people who would quarrel with her after just two words. Now, Xiang Ziye has been putting up with him, and she doesn't care. curse.

It's really not like him.

After Fu Changliu washed up and came out, the people outside also got dressed. When they saw him coming out, they went up and took credit and said to him: "I'll take you back. It would be too troublesome for you to walk back at this time. There are too many people on the bus."

Fu Changliu rejected him: "I don't need your help, I can do it on my own. No need to pretend to be kind in front of me."

Xiang Ziye was about to get angry after being treated by him again and again. , It’s really shameless. He has spoken so tolerantly over and over again, and he is still planning to slander him. When will he plan to scorn him like this for the rest of his life? What on earth had he done wrong to deserve such a slap in the face?

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