Chapter 379 - 380

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Chapter 379 You are so disgusting, we are men!

Lu Xiang didn't wear anything inside. After all, he had been alone in this dormitory, so he was used to being alone. He was just like his own home. There was no need to wear anything in here, so he didn't wear anything. , so when the bath towel fell off, it was very obvious to see the thing inside it. When the bath towel fell off, both of them were startled, and at the same time they lowered their heads to look at a certain key part.

Lu Xiang had never been so ashamed. Except for his parents who had seen this place when they were young, no one had ever seen this place before. But now this little brat saw it, which made him extremely angry. This person surrounded him again, thinking that he had just seen Xiang Xiang and wanted to dig out his eyes. It was really defiled!

Lu Xiang was so angry that he gritted his teeth and his face was not very good, but he also understood that this man had premeditated it from the beginning, and now it was so obvious, so he grabbed his waist with one hand. He was wearing a bath towel and holding Hope's hand with one hand, "Xiang Hope, the conclusive evidence is right in front of me. You don't have to quibble. I've seen it so clearly and you said you don't like me. You're so wretched. Look at my bath towel? Why are you so disgusted? Now that you have seen it, I am really taking advantage of you. Admit it honestly, have you secretly had a crush on me and liked me for a long time? You have always wanted me, but you can’t get it now. I deliberately approached me and used this stupid trick to seduce me. Let me tell you, you should give up on this idea. I despise you and I don’t like you." Hope heard

these words and the corners of her mouth twitched . For a moment: "...Can this person stop being so narcissistic? When did I like you? When did I look at you? You dropped this towel yourself, and I didn't know I assigned you to a dormitory , if I knew that this dormitory was yours, I wouldn't be able to come to this dormitory. The thought of being with you makes me feel sick, so you don't have to feel guilty."

Lu Xiang sneered: "Making it up for me, keep making it up for me, let me Let's see how powerful your clumsy method is. Do you think I'm a fool? It's already so obvious, and you appear in front of me. Do you think I believe you?"

Hope: "..."

He can't describe himself now. It's like eating a fly. I really didn’t expect that I would meet such a difficult person. I have never seen someone so shameless. It’s not easy to be shameless to the extreme. Now I can’t even say anything I want to complain about because I’m so shameless. Be true to your word.

Lu Xiang saw that his baby was clearly seen by him just now, and now he was so embarrassed that he had goosebumps. He was so shameless when a man saw him. A woman can talk to a man, and she is still tall. Seeing such a effeminate man, it really gave him goosebumps. The most important thing was that he didn't agree with anything she said in the dormitory, so he violently kicked her with his foot. He picked up his suitcase and said to him: "I'm telling you, you don't want to eat my violent fists. You pack your things for me immediately and get out of this dormitory with your things. I can still spare you a life." Save your life, otherwise when I really start hitting people, I will beat you until you are all over the floor, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I won’t be able to forgive you, so get out of here. I have always been the only one in this dormitory. This dormitory has been contracted by me. The teacher must have made a mistake in the arrangement for you. Go and tell the teacher to get out immediately." I hope I don't want to leave

this dormitory or stay with him, but the teacher was already with him when he brought him here just now. I said, no matter what happens, he must stay in this dormitory when he enters it, because there is no other dormitory for him to change to. If he does not stay in this dormitory, he will have to sleep on the street without cleaning up. Give it to him and tell him later when the dormitory becomes available.

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