Chapter 134 - 136

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Chapter 134 Suicide

Zhang Suli especially despised Li Minghui when he heard that his father had run away with another woman and now the whole family was gone.

It must be because his mother is always being mean to his father, that's why he let him get to the point where he doesn't even have a family anymore. He sold the house and ran away with another woman. Now he has no family anymore. He doesn't even have Li Minghui anymore. I don’t want to see it anymore, it’s annoying no matter how I look at it.

Li Minghui had no money left, so she could only rely on her son.

Zhang Suli didn't have much money, and he had to live with the remaining money. How much money would it cost to go to college. As a result, his mother now had the nerve to ask him for money. After hearing this, he couldn't bear it and refused directly: "Mom, I'm still a student. How can I make money now that I'm in college? If you ask me for money, I I've already drank the northwest wind by myself. Where can I get money for you? So you borrow from others, it's a shame if you borrow from me. It's fine that I didn't ask for money from you, but you still ask for money from me." Li Minghui thought to herself

She had such a good relationship with her son that he would help her more or less, and then asked his husband for money. Unexpectedly, he was rejected directly. She was so angry that her face turned red. She grabbed Zhang Suli's hand and said angrily: "Zhang Suli , do you still have any conscience? I am your mother. I gave birth to you, raised you, and made you what you are today. I have no money now. I want money from you. Why don’t you help? What about me? Isn’t your husband’s family very rich? Why don’t you borrow some money from them and let us get through this difficulty first? I owe people so much money now, and others are asking me for money. If they don’t want the money, I will Go to jail, I am your mother after all, are you willing to let me go to jail?"

Zhang Suli looked disgusted and didn't care at all, and even deliberately let go of Li Minghui's hand while keeping a distance, "What's wrong with you going to jail? It’s not that I haven’t been to prison before. You did it before, didn’t you do well? Just go in again this time. I don’t believe that they will never be able to release you in your lifetime. And although I married into a good family, but then Bian hasn't agreed to my marriage yet. Now if I want money, what will people think of me? Just stay in jail by yourself first, and I will talk to you later when I have money."

Zhang Suli's heartless and unreasonable words deeply shocked me. It reached Li Minghui’s heart.

She always felt that what made her particularly decent was that she raised a good son, who supported her and was filial. However, when she heard such words about breaking off the relationship, her heart died, "You... Zhang Suli! You beast, you You are a beast that is worse than a human dog. You don't even care about your mother!" "

It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't have the ability to care about what you do. You are responsible for it. Don't buy bargains. Buy bargains yourself. What happened now? I'm embarrassed." Zhang Suli spurned her disgustingly, and when he thought of Li Jinlu's disgusted look in his eyes, he felt goosebumps coming out.

His beautiful wedding was ruined by Li Minghui's petty gain, and he didn't even settle the score with her.

Anyway, now Li Minghui has no money at all and still has a lot of debts. He can't even support himself. He has no way to bear this big mountain. It's better to break away from the mother-child relationship now and let Li Minghui suffer and destroy himself. .

Li Minghui looked at him with a pale face, and for the first time she saw her son's true face clearly.

She was so remorseful that it was her step-by-step indulgence that made him become like this!

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