Chapter 167 - 169

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Chapter 167 The lady said: I have chosen a daughter-in-law like Fuxishui!

Zhao Lan's husband had been to the boss's house before, and then he saw his wife. She looked like this. Her face was that of a very graceful lady, so she would not forget it after taking one look at it. Adding such a How can I forget the face of a big shot?

So now I was very excited to see Madam, so she had a chance to show her face.

Zhao Lan immediately showed a flattering face and bowed to Madam, "Hello Madam, it's all my fault for not being able to recognize Taishan. I didn't recognize you just now. Madam, you are here to come here. Why don't Madam come and sit with us?" Sit down, who do you want to find? Let's go find it for you."

Jiang Yuerong smiled softly and explained: "Don't bother me, I'm here to find my son. My son is in this courtyard, but I don't know which room he is in. , you tell me which room it is in, and I will go find him myself and give him a surprise."

Zhao Lan and his wife, after hearing what Madam said, looked at each other in surprise, both of them were surprised, why Madam My son will be here, and my wife’s son will be here, which also means that the boss’s son is here!

God, both of them were frightened. How could such a big shot be hidden in this small family compound? The boss actually put his own son here. He didn’t know which one he was. Usually they didn’t pay much attention. , If only I had known earlier, I would have been more flattering. This is good for getting rich and getting promoted. Now that I know it, I regret not finding out earlier.

Zhao Lan didn't dare to neglect now and asked quickly: "So madam, boss, what is your son's name?"

Jiang Yuerong said: "I don't know if you guys know him, his name is Lu Qingyou."

What the madam said The words made the two people present dumbfounded, their pupils widened, and their faces turned to stone in shock. Zhao Lan and her husband looked at each other, and the seven souls and six souls possessed by the other party disappeared. , wondering what he just heard, what was the name of the son the lady just mentioned?

Lu Qingyou? ?

Did they hear it correctly? How could it be him? Didn't he come from the country? A rural boy...when did he become the boss's son?

Zhao Lan couldn't stand it now. There was only one person in this compound with this name, and there was no one with the same name. The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. It would be terrible if it was his biological son.

Zhao Lan was afraid and had the courage to ask his wife: "Madam, is this... Lu Qingyou your biological son? Why is his name different?" He

shouldn't be his biological son, but his godson or something, do you recognize him?

Jiang Yuerong explained: "What are you talking about? He must be our biological son. We only have one son. When did he stop being our biological son? Something happened before, so he was left outside. Now we can find him." Here he is, he is our biological child!"

Jiang Yuerong's explanation made Zhao Lan lose her temper. This is actually our biological child...

It's over, it's over, Zhao Lan felt that her legs were going weak. At this moment Fu Xishui just came back from school. After seeing his wife, he went up to call out in confusion: "Madam, why are you here? Are you here to see Lu Qingyou?" Jiang Yuerong saw him and pulled him over happily.

"Xishui, come on, let me introduce you."

After Xishui passed by, the lady pulled him to her side, held his hand and said to Zhao Lan and the others, "Sister-in-law, this is My daughter-in-law, I don’t know if you two know each other, but this is my son’s wife.”

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