Chapter 79 - 81

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Chapter 79 He said: You are my biological child

Damn it, if this bitch is really like this, then he is not in trouble now and has harmed himself. The more he thought about it, the more sweat became on his forehead. He was so nervous that he broke into a cold sweat. He was so scared.

The next second, the boss stepped forward and picked up the pendant. After looking at it for a few times, his eyes turned red. His interrogating voice asked him: "Whose pendant belongs to!"

Li Jinlu did not dare to speak. No matter how he said it now, the pendant was indeed on his foot.

But when it comes to Lu Qingyou, will the boss not believe it?

The boss originally wanted to say something, but he thought it would be inconvenient to see so many people here, so he glanced at Li Jinlu and said to him: "Come to the reception room with me. I have something to ask you."

Li Jinlu listened. At this point, my heart was about to burst out of my head, and I was so scared.

He didn't make his boss like him, but he was hated by him. If this was really the case, he and Lu Qingyou would die together.

If this necklace is really stolen from the boss, then he will definitely confess to Lu Qingyou! This way Lu Qingyou can be solved.

Li Jinlu thought this and felt relieved. He finally found a way to drive him out of the company.

After arriving at the reception room, the boss sent everyone away, leaving only himself and Li Jinlu.

The boss's hands were trembling all the time. He was holding the pendant in his hand. It was a very light thing, but now it seemed to be very heavy.

When Li Jinlu saw the boss like this, he was still wondering whether he should speak first, and he insisted that it was Lu Qingyou. As

a result, the boss stared at him with scarlet eyes and asked him: "What is your name?"

Li Jinlu was a little confused, "Boss , my name is Li Jinlu!"

After hearing this, the boss continued to ask him: "Is this pendant yours?"

Li Jinlu pursed his lips, not knowing whether to admit it or not.

As a result, just when he was about to say that the pendant was not his, but that of Lu Qingyou, the boss said in a choked voice: "My child, this pendant must be yours. It fell from you. Do you know how much I have been fantasizing about this moment?" Year? I always thought you were dead, I always thought we lost you, but I didn’t expect that I would find you. I thought you were gone. I didn’t expect you to be still alive.” After the boss finished speaking, he couldn’t help

crying. .

Vicissitudes of life's face was now filled with happy satisfaction.

Li Jinlu was completely dumbfounded and confused. He didn't know what the boss meant by this. However, the boss didn't look very angry. On the contrary, he was very excited and happy.

Li Jinlu quickly tried to please his boss, so he picked up the red tissue next to him and handed it to him.

As a result, the boss looked at him and shed his father's tears. The boss grabbed his hand and said: "My child, I finally found you. You are my child. The child I thought was dead. My child, I am your father..." "

What!!" Li Jinlu's hand holding the tissue trembled. After hearing the boss's words, he was stunned for a second, his face was stunned, and his pupils widened.

"It's like this. This pendant was made for my child before he was born. This longevity lock is made of pure gold and has my child's name written on it. My surname is Huo. My child's name is Qingjue. This longevity lock The lock is just the word "Huo", which represents the child of the Huo family. I thought the child was dead at first, but I didn't expect that he is still alive. This pendant is enough to prove that you are my child." After hearing the boss's words of certainty, Li Jinlu realized that the whole People’s brains

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