Chapter 384 - 385

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Chapter 384 Huo Zhiyao, I just think you are disgusting now

I hope I didn’t almost force him to death, because the smell is really too bad. After all, the smell of sweat on a man’s body, not to mention the smell of sweat after playing basketball. Yes, it can literally drive people to death.

Hope wanted to push him away, but she didn’t know if he was addicted to playing. She was quite happy to see him in such pain. She kept grabbing his head and rubbing it into his arms. Hope I couldn't let him go even if I wanted to. I was forced to smell the sour smell of sweat on his body. I almost died. I hope that with him messing with my head like this, I can't see clearly what is in front of me. I want to push him away quickly. , so it was pushed to a place in front of him. It pushed the person away, but it made him explode.

Lu Xiang never thought that this pervert would be so perverted and touch such a private place. Except when he was solving problems, he didn't touch this thing very much. He had never been touched by anyone at all. This thing had not been touched. The woman had touched him, but he was touched by a man, so he jumped away as if he exploded. He looked at Hope with a crazy and sinister face, "Xiang Hope, mom is sick, I know you like me, have a crush on me, and want to Get me, but you can't use such dirty methods. If you fucking like me, you can pursue me openly. You always use this method. Do you think you can get my heart if you get my person? Dream on, I don’t like you. Even if I am with a pig in my life, I will never be with you. If you use such dirty methods to get me next time, you will be dead. If I don’t kill you, I will take your surname. I’m speechless. How can there be such a hungry person like you?”

Hope: “???”

He himself was confused. He just wanted to push him away. He didn't expect where he touched her, but the feeling just now was indeed quite embarrassing, as if there was something familiar. But if it was what he thought, he was really better than me in that aspect. many.

While Xiang was thinking about it, he felt his face turn red inexplicably. Lu Xiang looked at him angrily. Finally, he picked up the pajamas on the bed and went in to take a cold shower. Now his whole body was full of anger and he wanted to strangle him to death without taking a shower. A cold shower would cool down the fire. He was afraid that he would kill someone and silence him. This little bastard always used this dirty method, thinking he could get him! Disgusting or not!

Kiss after kiss, touch after touch, damn, when Lu Xiang went to take a shower, he rubbed his body crazily, feeling that he was not clean at all, and that he was dirty!

I have maintained my chastity and innocence for 18 years, but I was completely messed up by this person. Damn it, the more I thought about him, the angrier I became, and I frantically poured cold water on myself.


Huo Zhiyao and Huo Zhiqing returned home in the evening. Huo Zhiqing felt that something was wrong with Huo Zhiyao. After all, he usually chattered like a crow. Even if he ignored him, he could chatter a lot. Definitely not as taciturn as today.

He was like this today, silent all the time, which made Huo Zhiqing feel strange.

However, Huo Zhiqing felt quite comfortable. She was always chattering all the time, which was really annoying. He always liked a quiet person and didn't like such a chatter, so now that there is no noise, his ears are clear. After returning to the room, Li didn't intend to pay attention to him.

Huo Zhiyao's room was next door to his. When he saw him about to go back, he suddenly called out to him: "Zhiqing, your birthday is coming soon. I'll give you a birthday gift then."

Zhiqing is older than him. He was three years older, but the two of them were in the same grade mainly because of some things happening in between. Huo Zhiyao was climbing a tree when he accidentally fell down and hit Huo Zhiqing's leg. He didn't know if it was because of the Buddha's light. He was lucky enough to have nothing to do, but Huo Zhiqing had no choice but to recuperate because of the reason he broke his leg. After recuperating, his leg got better, and he was studying late, so he really took the time to do it. This was the reason why he had to repeat a grade later, so now they are in the same grade, but in terms of age, Huo Zhiqing is older than him.

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