Chapter 454 - 455

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Chapter 454 Lu Xiang knows that Hope has heart disease

Huo Zhiyao was too lazy to explain after being spoken to so offensively, so he knelt down in front of them.

Fu Xishui: "...What are you doing? Why are you kneeling down when you're so good?"

Huo Zhiyao: "I know I'm wrong and If you want to punish me, feel free to come."

Fu Xishui: "..."

He couldn't stand it anymore. He was so angry that he hit him on the shoulder directly, "You unfilial son will only make me angry like this. Aren't I worried about you? I think you have been alone abroad for so many years. If you don't tell us about this matter, you won't You treat us as your father, and you keep such a big thing a secret, but what are you going to do with him now? The child is his, and now you are divorced from Jiang Yan. You are simply treating marriage as a child's play, getting married and divorced again. , and now it's like this again. It's just like that. In your father's and I's time, it was really a lifelong matter to get married. How can we be so messy as young people like you." It's really too confusing. I got married and divorced

. Now I have become single again. If I get married again in the future, I simply don’t know what to say. It’s not simple at all.

Huo Zhiyao also had complicated thoughts on the way back. He didn't know what to do? Hearing these words, he shook his head and said frankly: "I don't know what to do, I haven't thought about it yet. Just beat me up. If you beat me up, I might be able to think more clearly. If you don't beat me up, I'll be able to think clearly." I, I'm not happy at all, so dad, please hit me."

Fu Xishui really felt mixed emotions when he heard this and didn't know what to do. He would be reluctant to hit a child. In the past, the child could be spanked when he was young, but now that he is a father, he cannot be the same age as before, so he remained motionless. Huo Zhiyao saw that he was not happy if he did not spank him, so he went over and hugged his leg and said, "Dad, please, please hit me. If you hit me, I might be happier."

Fu Xishui: "...get it off."

Huo Zhiyao rubbed his leg and said, "I don't want it. Don't leave unless you hit me. If you don't hit me, I won't be happy. If you don't hit me, I won't be happy."

Fu Xishui: "..."


I hope Lu Xiang and I will go back to prepare for the wedding.

So I chose a weekend and went home directly to discuss it.

The two of them had received their marriage certificates. The wedding was a matter of time, so they chose this weekend to go back to Ao Island together. It had been a long time since they had been back, and Lu Xiang felt that everything seemed so familiar.

I wish I hadn't told Lu Xiang that he seemed to be seriously ill recently.

He didn't know what was going on with him. He would feel severe hypoxia when he took a shower. Once, she even fainted while secretly taking a shower at home. She couldn't get up and lay on the ground for half an hour. It was cold, and by the time he regained his breath, it was already very late. Fortunately, he didn't go home, otherwise he would be frightened to death if he saw such a scene.

He lay on the ground for a long time that day, and was going to see the doctor the next day to see what was going on. He had undergone many surgeries on his body. The most impressive thing since he was a child was in the ward. He had to stay in the ward for several months before and after the operation. He had not had a intact body since he was a child.

There are many scars on his chest, all marks after surgery.

When Lu Xiang saw some scars on his chest before, he was surprised and asked him why there were so many scars on his chest? There are new ones and there are old ones.

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