Chapter 143 - 145

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Chapter 143 The real reason why the child was stolen back then 

Fu Xishui saw a gust of breeze blowing by, blowing the ends of their hair. He weakly asked Lu Qingyou: "Are you...are you okay? I know you are in a bad mood now, but I didn't mean to stop you just now. Yours, your mother...that woman has made it clear that she won't tell you who your parents are and is unwilling to tell you the truth. So, why are you forcing that woman but she still won't tell you? I'm afraid you are too impulsive."

Lu Qingyou turned around and hugged him. She could smell his scent in her arms, and then she gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been holding back just now and wanted to explode. He was afraid that he would do something extraordinary, so he didn't dare to explode. Now he really couldn't bear it anymore.

It's not like he hasn't thought about why his parents didn't love him since he was a child.

Thinking about it later, it may be because he is the eldest son, so he does not need so much love. He has always kept in mind the reason why he is the eldest son. He is good to his younger brothers and sisters and has never asked for any excessive love, but he never thought of it. The real reason is that he is not his biological child.

His perceived mother stole him from other people's homes and separated him from his real family for so many years.

He never thought that such a cruel person would do this.

When he thought about how many years he had been separated from his biological parents. Recognizing a thief as his mother, the mother he has known for so many years, is actually the one who hurts him the most, as if his heart is as painful as a knife.

He was really on the verge of collapse.

"I don't know what to do now. My head is very messed up right now." He choked with sobs and said to Fu Xishui: "Xishui, what do you think I should do now. Who are my biological parents? Where are my biological parents? How will I face this family in the future. I always thought that Huang Chunlan was my mother, so I was very kind to Huang Chunlan. Huang Chunlan could do anything to me, but she was not."

" Let's go, let's go to Beihua. Didn't you say that we can live in a family compound together? I heard your sister say before that Huang Chunlan worked as a nanny in Beihua when she was young, working as a nanny for wealthy families. , so since you stole it when she was a nanny, according to my guess, you should have stolen from a wealthy family. As long as we go to Beihua, there is a high chance that we can know who your biological parents are. The worst we can do is log in. Report the family search and ask who it was and which family lost the child."


After being persuaded by Fu Xishui, Lu Qingyou also felt that this method was appropriate. But when they return to Beihua, it will take 15 days or half a month. At that time, Song Mengfan will be fully recovered and their factory will be ready. At that time they felt relieved to leave.

Lu Susu originally wanted to go to school, but Huang Chunlan stopped sending Lu Susu to school. Therefore, Fu Xishui planned to teach Lu Susu the whole process and let her look at the factory first, and then take her to Beihua to go to school after finding a suitable person.

Although his sister-in-law is not biological. But she is closer than a biological child, and she is a malleable talent. If she becomes the director of a company in the future, she will definitely be more reliable than an outsider, so now the factory will let her handle it first.

Lu Qingyou went back to pack her luggage and prepared to go home with Fuxishui.

After Huang Chunlan saw her son come back, she kept hiding aside, not daring to go out to see him. Finally she saw him come back, and thought he had forgiven her. She was about to go up and talk to him, but he went back inside with a silent face. He just put the package away and was about to leave. Huang Chunlan saw this and stopped him quickly: "Lu Qingyou, what do you mean? You are planning to completely break away from the mother-child relationship with me. You don't want me as a mother, right? Although I picked you up from the street, I have raised you for so many years. I have worked hard for you without any credit. If it weren't for me, you would have starved to death on the street. This is you. What is my attitude towards your mother? And there is a saying that you haven’t heard of? Fortunately, you are still educated. A biological mother is not as good as an adoptive mother. I have raised you so big, so you repay me and don’t leave. Anyway, what I said today I'm telling you this, I absolutely can't leave. If you leave, I will die for you."

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