Chapter 355 - 356

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Chapter 355: Admit that you are worried that I will die?

Who is it? Who is he? How could you make such a ruthless ridicule? Is this the attitude of treating a patient? Is this the attitude of visiting a doctor? Even if you didn’t bring any fruit, why are you still smiling so obscenely?

Seeing him smiling so happily, his heart was filled with chills. Who was he doing this for? Who is he looking like this for? As a result, he was still smiling so heartlessly. Seeing him smiling so proudly made him unhappy.

Ji Song: "Turn right when you go out, turn left, if you don't want to see me off, get out."

Song Mengfan: "..."

I originally wanted to see him, but after hearing his words, I became unhappy and turned around to leave.

When Ji Song saw that he was really turning around and about to leave, he was so angry that he stopped him and said threateningly: "Go away. Maybe after you leave, I will die in the next second." Here, you can just come back and collect the body for me."

Song Mengfan turned around and stared at him after hearing this, his tone lowered a little, "Why did you say that?"

Ji Song heard this and thought he was I was worried about myself, afraid that I was talking nonsense, so I felt a little more comfortable. Just when I was about to feel proud, I heard him add another sentence: "Why are you so confident that I can come back to collect the body for you? I am very busy. This People from the hospital can solve all kinds of minor problems, so you don’t need to bother me, okay?”

Ji Song: “…” Damn, my heart hurts.

Ji Song's face changed at that time, and became gloomy. Looking at him, his eyes became closed, so angry. Looking at him, he could only compromise and said: "Song Mengfan, admit that you are worried about me." You are scared. I admit that you want to see how I am and see if I am dead. You are worried about me. What will happen if you admit this? Will you die? Why are you so tough-mouthed? Why don't you come here? Are you just looking at me? Do you really plan to collect my body?"

After hearing this, Song Mengfan walked to his side and looked at him. He said it bluntly and didn't intend to beat around the bush with him. He asked directly: "Ji Song, I'll do it. It's not because I'm worried about you, I just want to ask you some questions, and I'll leave naturally after I get the answers."

Ji Song looked at him staring at her so seriously, took a deep breath, and replied slowly: "Love But, save you, Lord Bao."

Song Mengfan: "..."

He is the legendary person who can chat with everyone.

He has a good handle on temperament, and no one can win.

Song Mengfan said with a gloomy face: "I didn't ask you such a childish question, I just want to know why you aborted the child in the first place? Also, was it your intention that I misappropriated your property? Was that the seal? You hid it, but you wanted me to find it on purpose, so you put the seal in the secret compartment, and you put it there specially for me to find it, right?"

Ji Song was quite noisy at first, and laughed at him. He was joking, but when he heard this, he stopped joking and became more serious instantly, "Who told you this? Who told you these things?"

Song Mengfan knew when he saw something wrong with his expression, he must be thinking about himself. Sure enough, he sneered, "So that's what I thought, right? Then why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me then? Why did you hide it from me? Do you think it's fun to deceive me or let me My pain is fun? Why do you want me to resent you and you don't even tell me what's going on? Are you a fool?"

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