Chapter 314 - 315

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Chapter 314 Wedding

Xiang Ziye is a person who likes to eat meat, and he is a man over 1.8 meters tall. He can't bear a bowl of porridge, and it is still so small. He can't bear it without a few bowls of rice and a few mouthfuls of meat. , but his father-in-law was like this, so he couldn't do anything wrong, so he could only drink it obediently. After finishing the porridge, he continued to eat peanuts in the afternoon under the bright sun. He had to finish the peanuts within the next two days. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get married. It's very hard to work alone on these three acres of land from morning to night. He was so tanned by the sun that he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion when he got home.

Fuxinguo just sat under the sun umbrella all day today and watched him work leisurely. He fanned himself with a fan and drank herbal tea. He felt very comfortable. After all, he didn't have to work anymore and there were people to help him work.

When Xiang Ziye came back, he slumped in his seat from exhaustion. People who didn't know better thought he had gone to jail or something. He was very tired. Moreover, the sun was very strong today, and it looked like he was tanned all over.

She rushed over, seeing him like this, and hurriedly took out a cold towel from the refrigerator, put it on his head, wiped his sweat, and handed him a glass of frozen water to quench his thirst.

Xiang Ziye felt that he had not drank much water all day long. This glass of frozen water immediately gurgled into his stomach. He felt that it was not enough and asked for a glass.

Fu Changliu poured him three cups in a row before his thirst was completely quenched. He felt that he was going to die from exhaustion, and he felt so sorry for him.

Fuxinguo also went inside and took out a bottle of frozen water from the refrigerator. After drinking a few sips, he came out and said to Fu Changliu: "Don't be too spoiled to him. It's not that easy to be with you. Isn't that what it's about? Look at how weak his body is. He shouldn't exercise more. This is just the beginning. There are more difficult things to come. Come with me to pick manure tonight."

Xiang Ziye: "..."

Xiang Ziye was typically troubled and couldn't tell. No matter how hard it was at the moment, he could only bite the bullet and agree with a smile on his face.

He looked at Lu Qingyou beside him, who was drinking tea leisurely at this time, as if it had nothing to do with him. He couldn't understand why his uncle was treated so poorly, so he couldn't help but ask him. One sentence: "Lu Qingyou, was it so difficult for you to get a wife? When you married Fuxishui, did your father-in-law and mother-in-law also make things difficult for you?" Lu Qingyou calmly took a sip of tea after hearing this and

said this Putting down the tea cup, he said with a proud look: "No, I can only say that we are like people but have different fates. My father-in-law and mother-in-law like me very much, but they don't like you. Just accept the fact."

Xiang Ziye: "..."


Xiang Ziye's evening When I came back, I was so tired that I almost cried. I had been busy all day. I got up at five o'clock, but now I can't come back until ten o'clock. When I came back, I lay in bed and felt so tired that I collapsed.

Fu Changliu saw that he was working so hard, so he went up to him and kissed him to comfort him, "It's really hard to touch you, but this is also your own fault. If you didn't treat me like that, my dad would Mom must treat you better than anyone else now, and you have to be patient, otherwise you won't be able to marry me."

Xiang Ziye understood the truth, and he also knew that he had done something wrong to get this kind of retribution. , it’s not retribution, it’s just a hardship at most, so he doesn’t have any complaints, he just feels tired and paralyzed. Now his wife Khyentse is also happy, hugging his wife, and then burying her head into his chest, smelling his scent She told him coquettishly: "I'm not angry, and I don't think anything is wrong. I also know that I can marry you by doing this. It's worth it. I just feel very tired. Let me hug you." Fu Changliu saw that he was so tired, and his body

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