Chapter 292 - 293

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Chapter 292 Kill it

Fu Changliu had no choice but to refuse. He had already taken her to the obstetrics and gynecology department. He forced her to stay in the obstetrics and gynecology department and asked the doctor to check whether he was pregnant. When the doctor first saw A man came to check if he was pregnant. He was shocked. I don’t know what he meant, but seeing Xiang Ziye’s angry face, don’t be afraid that he will destroy this hospital. Anyway, the check-up costs money, and they have to There is no other way to spend money for inspection, so we can only arrange for him to go for inspection.

Fu Changliu was taken by the nurse for examination. Xiang Ziye was waiting at the door with hope in his arms. He was not with him when he first knew that hope existed, so he didn't know how he felt after he was pregnant. But now he thinks that he might be pregnant. , he doesn't know what to do now. He should be very happy because he is pregnant again and has always wanted him to have a second child. Then the relationship between the two of them can warm up more quickly. Maybe He forgave himself.

But the current situation is different from the previous situation. He is a dying person now. He can't live for a few months. A man who can't live for a few months is going to be a father. He is going to be a father again. He may not even be able to survive. You can't even see the child being born.

It takes at least ten months for the child to be born, but what about him? He might not live more than three months. So having a child now is a torture for him. He doesn't know whether to keep the child or not. If he keeps the child, he will have to take care of two children by himself. In the future, it will be torture for him, and he will have to take care of two children. If he has a child, no man will want him in the future. He may think it is a burden. No other man will like his lover with two oil bottles... Not to mention whether he will like him or not, if he marries with a child in the future If so, the other party may not be good to the child.

If he didn't get married, it would be torture for Fuchangliu to take care of two children by himself.

When he grew up alone with hope, he had already hated him for so long, and now he was burdened with another burden.

While Xiang Ziye was still hesitating and didn't know what to do, he had already finished it and the inspection report could no longer be released.

Xiang Ziye hurried over to check on the doctor and ask about the situation.

When the doctor saw that he was about to get the results now, he was helpless: "The results of this test will not come out so soon. The results will not be available until at least two days. You should go to the hospital again after two days to get the results. I don't know if I am pregnant now. "

Fu Changliu saw what he had done to the doctor, so he quickly pulled him away.

"Let's go."

Xiang Ziye looked at him with a complicated expression when he heard this, his pupils were dilated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Without saying anything after that, he took the two of them back.

On the way back. Fu Changliu had been watching Xiang Ziye's reaction very uneasily, wanting to see whether he was happy or sad now. When he was checking his body just now, he actually told the truth that he was more hopeful than fearful, and he was still looking forward to his future. He couldn't explain clearly that there was a child in his belly. Anyway, he didn't resist the arrival of a child, probably because he was born with a liking for children, so he felt that it was a good thing to have a child, but he didn't I know whether Xiang Ziye likes it or not.

He didn't want to speculate anymore. His face had been bad since just now. He thought he knew that he might be pregnant... that's why he looked so bad. But the person who always wanted him to be pregnant wasn't him!

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