Chapter 94 - 96

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Chapter 94: After selling the money, you can raise Xishui

It's like this again. Fu Xishui is now unable to refute what his mother said. He doesn't know how to explain it to make his mother believe his words.

He said weakly and feebly: "Mom, don't listen to the wind and rain, okay? You can believe what others say. He was really given a temporary leave for some reasons, not fired. He will be I will still go back to the company."

Zhang Xiaolian refused to believe anything she said, and said with a stinky face: "If you like him, you will definitely speak for him. Maybe he will lie to you in front of you, but there will be something else behind him. , he is over there in Beihua. As for what happened, he will definitely not tell you, and he will trick you into his house. You are just confused and your eyes are blinded by lard, so you will believe him." Fu

Xi Shui was really too lazy to continue explaining. No matter how good-tempered he was, he was annoyed by being looked down upon repeatedly, so he stood up and asked Zhang Xiaolian with an extra straight face: "Then what do you want him to do?" Only when he is willing to believe in him is he willing to let me be with him, and I will never look down on him like this again. Mom, do you think you have become too much now? You were clearly not like this before, why are you becoming so now? Vanity, become so snobbish?"

Zhang Xiaolian was not happy when she heard this. He got up from his position and said angrily: "Now I am just thinking about you, so you say your mother has become vain. Shouldn't I be vain? What a good condition you have now. You can make money, and you also have to take exams." College, if you can really get into college, how many people will chase you? You are the hot potato, why bother to set your sights here? When you go to college in the future, there will be a lot of cadres and civil servants arranged by the state to work outside. , Looking at it, who is not as good as Lu Qingyou? Why are you so stubborn and have to guard him."

Ever since this little son was able to make money, Zhang Xiaolian didn't go sideways with the little sisters. The sisters looked particularly proud and proud, mainly because his son was really awesome. He could already open a store at this age, and his business was so prosperous. He made more money than those little sisters could earn in a lifetime. She couldn't make any money, so those little sisters kept praising her for being lucky, and they all inflated her praises.

Over time, she herself felt that her son was so talented and really awesome. He would make a lot of money in the future and find a good family.

But why did she fall in love with such a family? The vicious mother-in-law won’t tell you. There are also younger brothers and sisters who want to study. They will be really exhausted in the future. How can they just settle down when they are in such good conditions?

Her little sisters all said that her youngest son's condition was that he would marry a civil servant. The kind that eats national food.

She thinks so.

Lu Qingyou used to be able to make money as a bodyguard and support his family.

But now that everyone has been fired, what kind of glory is there? It wouldn't be a shame to marry him.

Now that she was misunderstood and hated, she had no choice but to say nothing to make Xi Shui's life miserable in the future.

Fu Xishui choked up speechlessly: "If the conditions are better than his, can I like him? Can I be with him? Can a marriage without love last long?" "

You still want a marriage with love." Zhang Xiaolian It’s funny to hear this. "Aren't marriages arranged by parents these days? Arranged marriages are not acceptable. Look at me and your father. Over the years, we have gone through ups and downs. We even gave birth to your two children. It was also introduced by your parents. There is nothing wrong with our life. Your mother and I have eaten more salt than you have ever eaten, and we can judge people more accurately than you. I must be doing it for your own good and will not harm you.

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