Chapter 249 - 250

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Chapter 249: Does being with me embarrass you?

I hope I am still holding a toy in my hand that looks very expensive.

Fu Changliu stared at the thing in Hope's hand, looked at it twice and then asked Hope: "What is that thing in your hand?"

Hope showed off the toy in his hand very happily and said, "This is a gift from Uncle Doctor to Hope." Toy, it was said to be a gift to reward Hope for being good. Hope is so good that she didn’t shed tears even though it hurt, so the doctor uncle said that Hope is very strong.” After

hearing this, Fu Changliu quickly scolded Hope: “Don’t be like this. Have you forgotten what dad told you? Don’t take gifts from others casually. Besides, the doctor uncle has nothing to do with us. He also saved Hope’s life, so return it to others quickly.” Hope this is the first It was the first time I had

a toy, so I was reluctant to part with it, but I still listened to my father and returned the toy to Su Moqing.

Seeing this, Su Moqing said to Fu Changliu: "It's okay. I hope daddy, this toy is not worth a few dollars. It's not valuable. It's just something that some relatives and children at home didn't want after playing with it and throwing it away. It's a pity. I see that Hope likes it very much, so I gave it to him. You can let him accept it as my greeting gift to Hope. I have never seen such a well-behaved child. He is obviously in such pain, but yet No noise or fuss."

Fu Changliu didn't refuse after hearing this and called out to Hope to say thank you to him. Only then did Su Moqing feel happy and patted Hope's head happily.

Then, Su Moqing got up and said to Fu Changliu: "I hope, dad, can I treat you to dinner?" Fu Changliu was

startled when he heard the doctor's words. He looked at him with incredible eyes, and he was immediately at a loss. What should I do, "Why?"

Su Moqing rubbed her head in embarrassment and said to him, "I just want to have dinner with you and discuss this matter of hope. Are you free?"

Fu Changliu heard that he wanted to He must be free. Just when he was about to promise that we could have dinner together, a machine remembered and kept beeping.

He suddenly remembered that when Xiang Ziye asked him to leave, he handed him something called a bb machine.

He said that these days, when looking for someone, he relies on this bb machine. He first calls him and then asks him to make a call. When he saw this machine and thought about it, he knew that it was Xiang Ziye who was looking for him. After thinking about it, he I took this thing out, said sorry to the doctor, and went out.

He went out and called him back. He didn't know why he suddenly called him, so he called him in a phone booth outside and inserted a phone card.

The person on the other end of the phone asked him: "Where are you now?"

Fu Changliu couldn't tell the truth, so he could only lie to him and said: "At... home, what's the matter?"

Xiang Ziye told him: "Here You have half an hour to come to my company to see me immediately."

After that, he didn't wait for his reply, or whether he was willing or not, and hung up the phone directly.

With such strong words, Fuchang Liulian couldn't even say a word of rejection. After all, he was a keeper now, he was just a little lover, and he had to do whatever the sponsor asked him to do.

Fu Changliu went to the ward and refused Dr. Su's kindness, "Sorry, I'm not free today. I'll see the doctor later when I have the chance."

Su Moqing didn't hear this, so he continued to force it, and went to another place. The room was being checked, so I left immediately.

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