Chapter 396 - 397

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Chapter 396   hope, do you feel that we are taking your last name after me?

Fu Xishui didn’t expect him to be like this, so after hearing his son’s words, he glanced at Huo Zhiqing, and Huo Zhiqing’s face turned completely white. , looking particularly bad, he called him: "Zhi Qing...he..."

Fu Xishui shouted angrily at Huo Zhiyao: "Huo Zhiyao, is what you said true or false? Did you really do it? Such a despicable thing?"

Huo Zhiyao nodded, "Yeah, don't you just want to know? I've told you now. Can you let me get up?"

Fu Xishui wanted to say something else, but Huo Zhiqing called him : "Uncle, can you leave for a moment? I have something to say to Yaoyao."

Fu Xishui felt that there was nothing he could do if he stayed here, so he could only communicate with the two of them, so he called him when he finally left. Son, I just went downstairs.

When Fu Xishui went downstairs and couldn't see her shadow, Huo Zhiqing walked towards Huo Zhiyao angrily. He was still kneeling on the ground, so his legs were weak. He grabbed his arm and directly said He violently lifted the person up from the ground, completely regardless of what he was doing or how painful his legs were, and directly took him into the house, closed the door and threw him on the bed.

Huo Zhiyao violently pulled him and threw him on the bed. He bounced up from the bed and looked at him in pain. He didn't know why he was so angry. "Zhiqing, you hurt me." "It hurts?"

Huo Zhiqing Hearing this, he went to bed angrily, grabbed his hair, forced him to look up at her, glared at him with fire and said: "You know it hurts, do you know what pain is? People like you Are you trying to drag others into trouble with me for the rest of your life? Why are you so disgusting? I thought you were disgusting enough when I met you before, but I didn’t expect you to refresh my outlook on life. The most regretful and disgusting thing in my life is getting to know you. Huo Zhiyao, you said you were in pain, and now I want you to die. As long as you die, nothing will happen. I will never see you again."

Huo Zhiyao didn't know why he was so angry, and his eyes were full of disgust towards himself, and he had hated himself for so many years. If he hated himself from the beginning, then he would really be pretending, after so many years. No flaws at all.

Huo Zhiyao thought that his words had offended him, so he grabbed his body, hugged him in fear and said, "Zhi Qing, I really have no choice. You have seen how terrible my dad is. If I didn't say anything, No way, don't blame me, I like you, I really like you, why do you hate me so much, tell me why you hate me so much? Tell me, can I change? Why do you hate me? I Change it, I will change it to what you like, and you will like me too, okay?"

Huo Zhiqing pushed him away in disgust, then grabbed the back of his neck and tilted his head back, "I don't like it the most. I like you as a man. How many times have I told you that I like women and I don’t like men. If you want to change, how can you change? Can you change your gender to a woman? You can change your gender and become a woman, but I won’t even like you. If you transform into a female, you are a shemale and a disgusting thing."

Huo Zhiyao let go of his hand. He who had liked him so much since childhood never thought that he would expose such a scene in front of him and so many people would hate him. .

"Then why were you so nice to me before? Why were you so nice to me before? If you hadn't been so nice to me before, I wouldn't have liked you. Why have you been so nice to me since you were a child? Why did you You still want to save me."

Huo Zhiqing sneered and let go of his hand, "Why? Why should I be so nice to you? It's not because I want to stay away. I have been labeled you since I was a child, so I have to treat you. Okay, because I am adopted by your family, I must repay your family. Even if I do all this, it is not enough to repay your two fathers! They said that by raising me, I will not starve to death on the street, so I I am very grateful to them and treat you well just because I want to repay the two of them. I plan to leave this home after I finish the college entrance examination and never see you again. But after you have done so many things, don’t you just want to Destroy me? You think I will be with you all my life, how is that possible? How could I like you? I have someone I like, I like Tiantian, and I like women." "Huo Zhiyao, I have nothing for you

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