Chapter 209 - 211

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Chapter 209 What about this? Can you restore your memory like this?

Fu Xishui saw that he really believed that he was showing such excitement, and there was only one thought in his mind: My husband is so easy to cheat.

But looking at him like this, if he could regain his memory, he would probably not be able to escape a beating.

The kind that blows his head off.

However, thinking about restoring his memory, Fu Xishui always wondered how he lost his memory.

"Do you remember that there was something wrong with your head when you had the accident?" Fu Xishui asked him anxiously.

Lu Qingyou carefully recalled the situation of his accident. He remembered clearly that when he woke up again, there were no scars on his head and no signs of bandaging.

So he shook his head, "It's not that I was only hit by a gunshot wound, nothing happened to my head." "

So how could you lose your memory? Your head was not hit. So you are trying to remember, is it because of yourself? Was it caused by Zhuo Mu deliberately making you lose your memory?"

Lu Qingyou was confused when he heard what Fu Xishui said. His loss of memory was so painful that he couldn't remember the past at all. When he woke up, After arriving, it became completely blank, and I couldn't remember anyone.

Fu Xishui thought of a result, "I understand, it must be hypnosis. Hypnosis can make a person forget all his previous memories. You must have been hypnotized by his person, so you lost all your previous memories."

Lu Qingyou felt that what he said made sense, her eyes were puzzled, and she stared at him deeply and asked: "So what method can you use to restore my memory?"

Fu Xishui thought about the memory loss he had heard on TV before. Something that impressed him deeply in the past stimulated his memory and made him think of it.

After thinking of this, he suddenly went over, grabbed his ears, kissed him on the mouth.

Fu Xishui's sudden enthusiasm startled Lu Qingyou. She stared at him with wide eyes and her ears turned red.

Fu Xishui looked at him with bright eyes and asked, "How was it? Did you remember anything?"

Lu Qingyou: "...No."

Fu Xishui heard what he said was unscientific. Logically speaking, two people Kissing should be the most able to stimulate his memory. After all, it was such an intimate thing, so he kissed her again and said, "What about this? Did you remember anything?" When Lu Qingyou was about to reply, no

, As a result, a particularly shy picture popped up in my head.

The scene where he pressed the person in front of him on the sofa was so exciting that he could hear the gasping sound in his ears.

He startled himself when this came into his mind.

But Lu Qingyou looked at Fu Xishui in front of him with a look of curiosity on his face, looking at him very forcefully, and thought of the kiss just now. Even if a picture appeared to him, he shook his head and said no.

Fu Xishui kissed him again, but found that there was still no kiss.

Fu Xishui felt anxious, and thought of a final solution: "Is it because the two of us want to go further?"

Lu Qingyou was startled when he heard this, coughed seriously, and then said very calmly Said: "I think you can try it."

Fu Xishui: "..."

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