Chapter 392 - 393

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Chapter 392 I can fall in love

Again. Xishui asked herself that she had never been too strict with her children since she was a child. After all, she felt that it would not be too much for her to let them alone. They both have such good personalities. It won't go too far.

So I have always been free-ranging and don't go too far. I have basically never beaten or scolded the child. But now it is too outrageous. When I talk to him, he doesn't reply, and he has no intention of admitting his mistake. He gets angry and goes up to him. Wanting to hit someone, "Huo Zhiyao, you still don't pay attention to me when I'm talking to you, right? If I don't kill you, you still don't think of me as your father, right? How many times have I reminded you since you were young to love yourself? Let you love yourself, let you not go too far, but now you are sleeping with someone else. I have to beat you to death today, you bastard. Tell me who it is, who the other person is, who are you having sex with? Why? That person you are still partial to? Is he from your school? Is he from the same class as you or from another school? Could it be that you have learned bad things from people outside?"

Huo Zhiyao allowed his father to misunderstand, but he also tolerated it. He refused to tell his father who that person was.

Huo Zhiqing had already warned him that if he dared to tell what happened between the two of them, then neither of them would have a chance in this life. He would hate him to the core, so he couldn't say that he couldn't tell it even if he held it back. .

Fu Xishui was really angry when he saw his attitude. He picked up the feather duster next to him and was about to swing it to hit him.

Lu Qingyou caught him, restrained him and coaxed him: "Xishui, don't be anxious. You are not so scared. The matter is not so serious. Please wait patiently and see how he explains it, okay?"

"How can you not be anxious ? ? Look at his tone and attitude. It's obvious that he has learned bad things from others. It's obvious that he is partial to that person. He must be with those unscrupulous people outside. Otherwise, how could he not be willing to tell us? ! Although he is an adult now, he can't fool around with people outside. Aren't you afraid that your son will learn bad things?"

Huo Zhiyao grabbed the corner of Fuxishui's clothes uncomfortably and begged him: "Dad, I was wrong, I really am. I did something wrong, you can punish me however you want, but I beg you not to ask me who he is, I can't say, I really can't say." Fu Xishui was stifled when he heard these words, and looked at him in silence, in the end, I had no choice but to wait until he came back from school and punish him to face the wall and think about his mistakes.

After all, there's nothing he can do if he doesn't admit it.

When Huo Zhiqing went upstairs to pack his things and was about to go downstairs, he was stopped by Fuxishui and asked him: "Zhiqing, I want to ask you, do you know who Yaoyao is hanging out with? You and him are usually so familiar with each other, so you should know who he usually hangs out with. You tell me who he hangs out with and who did that thing with him, and I will find a way to solve it."

Huo Zhiqing was not prepared to say But when he thought of something, he said to Fu Xishui: "Uncle, if you ask me to tell the truth, I really don't know who he is hanging out with, and I don't know who he is doing that with, but it seems to be our school Because he ran outside after class every day, I didn’t have time to care about him and he was busy with schoolwork. The two of us went to class together and finished class together. If he was with anyone, it should be someone from our school, so you If you want to eradicate the problem, just transfer him to another school. Moreover, he is very familiar with a guy named Jiang Yan in our class. They are very close to each other. If I guessed correctly, it should be this person, but also It's hard to say. The best way is to ask him to transfer to another school and take a look."

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