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"You're so lucky I fell asleep on your couch last night. With the way this is going, you would've looked horrible tonight," Jack remarks.

"You're such a stereotypical gay," I laugh.

"And you're such a stereotypical white girl, but am I complaining?"


"Fuck you."

"What about this one?"

I lay my navy thin material shirt down and my black and white bandeau. I put my light wash shorts under neath the top and set my white converse next to it all.

"Yes, yes, yes. Put it on. It's already 5:30."

I tear off my clothes and slip on my new outfit. Twitter goes off and I dash to my phone. "Calum Hood new tweet." Shocker.

"Can't wait to see all your beautiful faces. Especially yours ;) Los Angeles! Let's get hype!! x"

I'm still not over all the events of yesterday. And I can definitely tell that this is an indirect to me. I favorited the tweet and set my phone back down.

Not even thirty seconds later, it goes off again.

"Calum Hood messaged you" sits on my lockscreen. I swipe immediately.

From @Calum5SOS: are you excited?

To @Calum5SOS: hella.

Oh my God. I'm meeting Calum Hood. Again. But is it the same as last time? Am I still a fan or am I considered his friend? I think I'm gonna keep my cool and go with friend.

From @Calum5SOS: this show is gonna be great. see you in an hour :) xo

"He added the o! I'm out of the mother fuckin x zone. Oh my God!" I shout, tackling Jack onto my mattress.

"Get off of me, you oaf. Don't make me kiss you again," he smirks.

"Hey! We agreed to never talk about it!" I remind him, standing back up and heading to my make up desk.

"Do something natural. The outfit is hella tumblr, so you need your make up to be basic. You know?" Jack comments.

"Okay. I got this."


50 minutes later, I have a layer of foundation on, concealer, eyebrow makeup, natural eyeshadow, a thin line of eyeliner, and mascara. When I took my hair out of a bun, Jack insisted I keep it that way.

I'm now parking my car in the arena parking lot. My heart drops when I see I have 5 messages from Calum.

From @Calum5SOS: are you almost here?

From @Calum5SOS: ariiiiiiiii

From @Calum5SOS: ugh. i'm clingy.

From @Calum5SOS: i'm in the back with the guys. we'll be waiting on you. drive safe :)

From @Calum5SOS: when you get here, tell dan, the guard at the front, your name.

I straighten out my outfit and walk to the large arena. Okay, Ari. Don't lose your shit. He's just a normal guy. A normal guy that has millions of fans. Okay. I got this. Let's go.

"Um, hey. I'm Ariana Hazely and Calum told me to tell you my name," I wave to Dan.

"Of course. Can I see an id for confirmation?" he politely asks me.

I smile at the guard and pull out my license.

"Follow me."

I wipe my hands on my shorts just in case. Dan leads me through a gate behind the building. I'm taken into arena entrance 296. Dan leads me onto the stage, then takes me behind the huge black curtain.

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