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"Calum, let me see," I groan, becoming impatient.

"No, it's a surprise. Just trust me," he says.

"Ugh, fine."

"We're almost there anyway," he assures, grabbing my hand and linking our fingers together.

He lifts our hands up and I feel his soft lips against my knuckles briefly.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier today," he apologizes.

"Don't worry about it. I completely understand. The past is in the past anyway. Don't let that ruin your night," I smile.

"We're here," Calum says.

I immediately grasp onto my blindfold wanting it off as soon as possible. Calum pulls my hands down, not allowing me to see what's ahead of me. I feel wind hit my legs, telling me that my door is open. Calloused hands find their way to my smooth ones. Calum hand is on my waist while his other is intertwined with mine. With careful steps and guidance, we make our way to the entrance of wherever I am.

"Calum, let me take this off," I say.

"Okay, okay. Just a little farther. You can see in three, two, one."

With that, he yanks the blindfold off of my eyes. In front of me, I see roller coasters and a huge drop tower. A ferris wheel lights up in the night sky. There's restaurants and games. It's an empty amusement park.

"Calum, oh my God. Thank you so much," I exclaim, pulling him in for a hug and treating him with a kiss on the cheek.

His cheeks tint and his lips curl into a smile showing his white teeth. He lets out a low chuckle and looks at his feet. These are things I never thought I'd be able to see up close and personal. These are things I dreamed about seeing.

"It's not a problem. Have you ever been here before?" he questions.

"I wish. It's just as pretty as everyone said it was," I say in awe.

The lights have me drawn in. There's faint music in the background and it's playing a song I know all too well.

"Are you seriously playing Try Hard?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he laughs hard core.

"You're such a dork. C'mon. Let's go on something," I whine, eagerly.

"Fine. I'm assuming you've never been on a roller coaster," he states making me shake my head, "so I'm going to make you go on the scariest one I know of."

"What the hell? No. Are you trying to kill me?"


I start running beside of him, trying to keep up. It quickly turned into a race. Guess Calum forgot I played soccer for years of my life. I start dashing managing to pass him up. I halt in front of a sign that says "Firehawk."

"Shit, you run fast," Calum says, breathing heavily, hunched over, stopping beside me.

"Soccer," I answer, still staring at the coaster in fear. "Hey, how'd you get the amusement park empty?"

"I know people," he says, standing up straight and placing his hands on his hips. "C'mon. Let's go."

"Calum, I'm low key scared."

"Good. That's how you know you're about to do something fun," he smiles, stepping onto the ride.

I hesitate but sit in the seat beside of him. We're right in the front. Awesome. I feel the uneasy feeling of fear churn in my stomach. Tears threaten to fall as I let out shaky breaths.

"I seriously don't want to do this. Why are you making me do this?" I whine, again.

"Because I know you'll be thanking me later. Face your fears, nerd," he says.

The worker leans our seats back. We lay on our backs?! Fuck. The worker counts ominously.


Then, we're sent off. What happened to 2 and 1?! I clench my eyes shut, not even thinking about looking at how high up I am.

"Ari, open your eyes," I hear Calum say, laughing hard as hell.

"No, fuck off!" I yell back making him laugh even more.

Before I know it, our bodies drop down. I then decide to open my eyes and experience the ride. We make sharp turns and twist. We do a loop around the track making me break into a smile. We're facing the ground so it feels like we're flying. My nervousness fades away.

"That was awesome!" I yell as soon as we step off the ride.

"I know it," he says, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Seriously, how did you get the amusement park empty?" I question, again.

"I'm Calum Hood," he smirks.

"I didn't ask your name," I sass.

He places his hand over his heart as if I hurt his feelings. He also gasps over dramatically.

"You're so stupid," I say, shaking my head.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm taking you to the drop zone," he smiles at me.

"Oh my God! Really? I've always wanted to go on that!"

"You've always wanted to do a lot of things," he remarks.

"I've never had the money," I shrug.

"Why not?"

I give him a look that asks why he wants to know.

"I told you that I wanted to get to know you on a deeper level. Why have you never had enough money?"

"Well, my dad wasn't around ever so that's a factor. My mom had three jobs but even with that, she barely got enough money for the bills. I couldn't ever go on field trips or do anything extra," I say almost whispering.

Calum releases his grip from my hand and hugs me from behind, making me laugh. He starts to walk so we waddle like penguins. I turn myself around so I'm facing Calum. He pecks my lips and smiles down at me. It's not one of those forced smiles or toothy smiles. It's a small, genuine one. It's a smile that shows he's actually content with where he is.

"Is that okay?" he asks me.

"Is what okay?"

"Me kissing you. Is that okay?"

"What? Yes, it's beyond okay."

"Good. Now, on to the drop zone."


"Calum, you missed the turn," I tell him.

He's attempting to drive me home.

"Did I?" he smirks.

"Um, yeah, ya weirdo."

"Hm, guess I did. Whoops. What are you gonna do?" he shrugs and smiles.

Calum reaches beside of him and grabs his Green Day album, placing it in the stereo. He keeps driving as American Idiot blasts in the background. And he passes the turn, again.

"Damn it, Calum. You missed the turn. Again," I groan in frustration. "Just let me drive, man."

"Aw, dang it. Did I miss the turn, again?" he asks innocently. "Guess we'll just have to take the long way home," he smirks.

His car slows down at a stop sign. Knowing what's coming, I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"I think you missed," he smiles.

I lean over again and kiss his plump lips. I love the way it feels when I kiss him. I love how he smiles against my lips, as well.

"Much better."


i dislike this chapter. things will heat up. i swear.

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