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"So Miss Ariana Grande," yes, that's my stage name. "Your split with Calum was unfortunate, but it inspired an amazing hit album, 'Yours Truly. How does life without him feel?"

It's been months without Calum. Three months to be exact. Everything has been more okay than I thought it would.

"Honestly," I answer the interviewer, "it could be worse. That's what I have to tell myself. Sure, things kind of sucked at first, but I'm not sad. I'm happy that I got to be a part of his life. I now have time to focus on my awesome crew, my beautiful friends, and my amazing fans."

The audience claps their hands, cheering. I smile at a few of the fans, being nice.

"Well, as you know, the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer were on the show last week. We asked Calum how he was doing without you. Roll the clip," my interviewer says.

The four boys I low key miss pop up on the screen behind me. I shift my body so I'm now facing them.

"Well, I think it's shitty of me to say I miss her, because I did this, but I do. I miss her. We all do," Calum nods.

"So why'd you dump her?" the interviewer asks.

"Um, I knew it was what's best for her. Look at her. She's learned to love herself. She's also written amazing songs that are on her amazing album. There were lies going around about me dating someone new. She never told me how she felt about it, but I knew she was sad and insecure. I didn't want to hold her back," he sadly says, looking down.

He's tried to message me and call, but I've ignored them. I kind of regret not letting him talk to me. I understand why he did what he did. He should've explained himself to me, but I guess that's what he was trying to do. So really, this is all my fault.

The video goes away and a picture of my album reappears. I blink a few times, looking away from the screen and down at my hands.

"How does that feel, Ari?" the interviewer questions.

"I don't know," I laugh. "God, it's not what I expected."

"Think you're gonna have to talk to him?" he asks.

"Not sure. Maybe. At the same time, maybe it's too late."


I make it to my beautiful home in Los Angeles, not the same one I had before. I shut my door, sighing, changing into some footie pajamas. While looking through the closet, I spot the Christmas footies Michael got me for his pajama party in early February. I smile at the memory, sliding them on.

I call Jack, Arz, and Bry, inviting them all over. It's my only night off for the week, and I'd love to spend it around people I love.

Jumping off my steps, I pull out a box of pizza from my fridge. Not bothering to heat it up, I plop on my couch, turning the tv on.

I pull out my phone, scrolling through twitter. Calum tweeted, making it be on my timeline. I refollowed him not long ago. Out of curiosity, I click on his user, knowing it will just make me sad. My breath hitches in my throat when I see his top two tweets.

@Calum5SOS: twitter hunt! can u find this girl for me?

@Calum5SOS: forgot about her name change. found her. thanks guys :) xx

I click on the picture, seeing a picture of me. I smile down at my phone, seeing what Cal did. A notification banners the bottom of my screen saying "new message from Calum Hood."

From @Calum5SOS: hey. long time, no talk xx

To @Calum5SOS: cal no. we're not doing this again

From @Calum5SOS: why not? everyone loves a good sequel ;)



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