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"Babe, don't go," Calum whines, hugging me.

"Cal, I already stayed here one night, I have no clothes, and you record, tomorrow," I sigh.

"Okay, well go grab some clothes from home and come back. You can come to the studio with me," he mumbles into my hair.

"I have a video I have to film to. That's kind of how I make money."

"Film it here. Please?" he whines.

I pull back from the chest my face was squished against. I look up at his face that's full of sadness. Do I really hurt him this much every time I leave? The face he's making is enough to break my heart into a million pieces.

"Damn it," I mumble. "Fine, I'll stay. You're lucky I like you."

"I already know that I'm lucky," he winks.

I kiss his cheek and head out the hotel door, keys and phone in hand. Shit, it's so cold. Whoever said Los Angeles was season-less is full of shit. Luckily, Calum gave me his Nirvana hoodie. I push the hotel doors and open and am immediately overwhelmed. A crowd of teenage girls and security guards are here. Judging by their attire, I'm sure they figured out that 5sos is here. Even though they're certainly not here for me, they sure as hell make quite the commotion when I stepped out of the hotel. The flash from phones and cameras blind me.

I refuse to look up at the cameras. I know for a fact I look like a hot mess. Thankfully, there's a line of clearance between the group. I make it to my car, unlock it quickly, and hop in. I lock my doors and plug my aux cord in, playing 5sos. I guess you can hear my music from the outside because all the girls started singing heartbreak girl. I drive off and take a deep breath.

I'm finally home and I decide to jump in the shower and wash my hair, body, and shave. I rid my face of old make up and fail to put any fresh make up on. My hair is wavy from my shower and i throw it in a ponytail, two strands laying in front of my ears. I slide some leggings on because I'm going to be sleeping anyway. I decide to put Calum's hoodie back on. It smells like him. Don't judge.

I pack black jeans and grey jeans, both with holes in the knees. I also throw in some band tees, shirts from PINK, a black v-neck, and a red flannel. I put my hygiene items in the bag including make up. Underwear and socks take up the front pocket and my camera, tripod, microphone, laptop, and headphones fill up the rest of my bag. I quickly text Calum before heading out the door.

To Dork: cal, how long do u want me to stay?

From Dork: as long as possible :)

I decide that I'll stay two or three more days. Let me just take a second and reflect on all of this. I met Calum which was already enough to put me on an emotional high for the next year. Then, he bought me concert tickets which made me flip the fuck out. After that, he invited me over and held my hand. Now, we're dating? Are we? We don't actually have a title but he did call me his girl. This is so confusing to me.

I drive back to the hotel, still confused as to what we are. I assume we're together but I know bands go around and hook up with people. Calum doesn't seem like that type of guy and I'm definitely not that type of girl. Is that what this is? No, Calum isn't like that. He actually cares about me. I can tell he does. Okay, now I'm worried.

I park my car in the parking garage across from the hotel and drag my luggage behind me. As I'm almost to the hotel door, my arm is yanked back by some man. I release my luggage and am held tightly by a man in dark clothes and bloodshot eyes.

"What you doing out here all by yourself? Come with me," he whispers close to my ear.

I try to squirm out his hands but he only holds on tighter. His strong grasp against my arms hurts like hell, sure to cause bruising later, but that's the least of my worries. He starts pulling me towards him. To make everyone aware of the situation, I start yelling, hoping someone comes and helps.

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