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I wake up from my comfortable and peaceful sleep but refuse to open my eyes. A yell from beside of me and a smacking noise following it catches my attention. I raise up in an empty hotel bed. Luke's in the floor and Ashton is in the opposite bed with Michael.

"I told you don't fucking yell," Ashton sasses at Michael.

I guess he hit Michael.

"Did he wake you?" Luke asks me, avoiding eye contact.

Luke and I haven't talked since the incident a few weeks ago. I felt bad a while ago because Calum wasn't talking to him either. Luckily, I told Calum to get over it and he listened. Calum forgave him but didn't forget so he's still a little iffy about us being around each other. What bothers me is that Luke still feels bad.

I shake my head no, too sleepy to actually speak. Feeling the disgusting layer on my teeth and tasting my bad breath, I get my stuff out of my luggage and brush my teeth and brush my hair. While I'm tying my hair in a ponytail, Luke stands in the doorframe of the hotel bathroom.

"Um, are you okay?" he says, lowly.

I nod, still too tired to talk.

"Are you still mad at me?" he asks.

"Never was," I force out with my raspy morning voice.

He just nods, awkwardly, and checks me out. I attempt to ignore his stare, but it's slightly difficult. Wait, where's Calum?

"He's getting McDonald's breakfast," Luke mumbles.

Guess I thought out loud. I finish my ponytail and walk past Luke, back into bed. I know Luke's still looking at me with guilt plastered on his face, but I scroll through twitter instead of acknowledging him. I decide to tweet, calming the anxiety that's rushing through my followers.

@ArianaHalsey: hey, guys. i'm completely fine. thank you all for the concern x new video up tomorrow?

I tried my best to not dwell on last night's catastrophe in my tweet. Hundreds of favorites and retweets and replies tell me that everyone's happy I'm okay and that they want a new video tomorrow. My adrenaline from last night's fright is gone and I'm left with the realization that I could've been waking up in someone else's bed, not Calum's. The thought makes me uncomfortable.

"Ari," Luke whispers, sitting on the bed next to me.

Michael and Ashton as busy playing FIFA, Ashton complaining the entire time. It's like Luke and I are in our own word, Michael and Ashton in another.

"Yes, Luke?"

"Can we please talk?" he begs.

"Is that not what we're doing?"

I know what he means, but frankly, I don't want to talk about the situation. I'm afraid it will cause more drama on top of the airport, my twitter follows, Calum, and last night.

"I'm sorry for messing things up like that. I just really like you and I couldn't hold it in anymore. It's always Calum that gets the beautiful girls. As long as Calum's around, I'll never have a chance. I was just hoping that this time was different. I kind of forced it on you and I'm sorry. I was wrong and I support you and Calum 100%," Luke whispers, making eye contact the entire time.

"It's okay, Luke. I know how it feels. Let's just forget about it, okay?"

Seems like I've been forgetting a whole lot of situations lately.

"Your favorite has returned," Calum entrances.

Calum passed out the food, giving me a breakfast burrito and an iced mocha. I'm kind of scared. How did he know this is my order? He must pay a whole lot of attention to me. Luke gets off the bed we were both sitting on to avoid confrontation.

"You okay?" Calum asks me when he takes Luke's previous spot.

I nod and take a drink of my coffee. Their manager opens up the hotel room door and tells them that they actually have an interview today instead of recording.

"Make sure you promote the album as much as possible. Please watch what you say. The topic will probably be on Calum and Ariana for the most part. Don't avoid their questions but make sure you guide it back toward the music. That's what you really want them to know. Got it?" the manager demands. "Awesome."

"Calum, are you gonna announce us?" I asked, terrified.

Yeah, a lot of people assume that we're together but it's never been said to the world. Well, I guess it was last night. I don't know. The confirming of the relationship to the fans scare me.

"You'll just have to see, babe," he smiles, pecking my cheek.

The boys and I are put into the back seats of a black SUV. I swipe through instagram, Calum insisting I post a selfie with him, which I do. I snapped one, applied a filter, and posted it with a purple heart emoji. Comments rapidly roll in, the content ranging from "whore" to "ily" to "otp" to "die." Honestly, I didn't care about the bad comments simply because I was officially with Calum. On top of that, most of the comments were positive and that's what matters to me. Cal wanted me to stop focusing on the negative, so that's what I'm going to do.

He brings out the best in me. He's everything I dreamed of him being and more. I like absolutely everything about him and I dread the day he leaves. No negativity, Ari. All positive. To block my mind from all bad things, I scroll through my news feed and see that Luke posted a selfie of us, too, using the same filter. The caption is "my favourite" using the same purple heart emoji I used. I glance up at him and see him staring at me already. Awesome. Note the strong amount of sarcasm.


crappy filler thats super short but idc. it gets better in the next chap so be patient. tmrw is new years eve so happy new years ig. thank you for 3K reads. THATS SO INSANE. ily and i'll see you in 2016 :)

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