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"Today, we have special guests 5 Seconds of Summer here to join us!" the interviewer announces.

As soon as he says that, the boys walk in, waving at the audience, taking a seat on the white couch. The boys shake hands with the interviewer and then get comfortable. Calum glances at me and smiles, quickly looking away so no one sees where I am. I don't want to steer anyone's attention away from the boys, so I'm standing behind a curtain, offstage.

"So, first of all, how are you guys?" the interviewer, Shawn, asks.

"We're good, thank you," Ashton says. "How are you?"

He seems to do most of the talking.

"I'm good, thank you. So, uh, let's just jump right into this. We hear you're working on an album right here in LA. We're all excited, right?" Shawn asks, making the audience cheer.

"We are. We're actually supposed to keep recording sometime this week. The album will be complete before we leave Los Angeles," Michael rushes out.

I think he's nervous. You and me both, Mikey.

"Glad to hear it. Let's talk about what everyone wants to here," Shawn smiles.

Oh, no. This is it.

"Calum, Luke."

Luke? Shit, they must know a lot.

"I believe a girl has entered your alls lives, recently. Perhaps, a girl named Ms. Ariana?"

So much for not steering attention away from the boys. The audience claps and woos, again, while Ashton and Michael giggle a bit. The anxious feeling I know too well bursts through my stomach. I rock back and forth on my feet, a nervous habit I have.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but, Luke, do you and Ariana have a thing?" Shawn grins.

No, we do not. Nope, nope, nope.

"Well," Luke smirks, leaning back onto the couch.

Not leaning onto the couch like "I'm just trying to get comfortable." Leaning onto the couch like "I know I'm the shit." Calum hits Luke in the stomach in a way that looks playful, but is dead serious.

"Ow, no. Ariana and I don't have anything going on," Luke groans.

"But you do know her?" Shawn asks.

"We do. She's really lovely," Ashton says while trying to stop laughing at Luke's pain.

"Luke, the reason I asked you and not Calum is because it has been said that you and Ariana hooked up after your LA show, since she was seen going into your dressing room after the concert," Shawn smiles, pulling up a picture of me entering a dressing room, Dan behind me.

"What?!" Calum shouts.

The fuck?

"That's not true, I swear," Luke defends, immediately. "That's not even my dressing room. That's the group dressing room. Mine has a red door!"

"Now, you're starting shit, bro," Calum chuckles, heartlessly, shifting in his seat.

"Don't shoot the messenger. Your fans just want answers," Shawn surrenders. "Continuing on with the topic, a few Instagram selfies have been swirling around the internet. One with Luke and Ari, another-"

"Ariana," Calum butts in.


"Her friends call her Ari. She'd like for you to call her Ariana," he repeats.

Yep, he's pissed.

"Right, one with Luke and Ariana, another with Calum and Ariana. Posted at the exact same time with the same filter and similar captions. Is there some type of love triangle going on?" Shawn smirks, scooting to the edge of his white cushioned chair.

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