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in the pic, its bryana, ariana, and arzaylea in order from left to right (if u dont know for some unknown reason)

I haven't left my room all day, hoping to avoid the famous Calum Hood with anger problems. Bryana, being the amazing person she is, brought two tubs of ice cream and two spoons to our room. Bryana is probably the best person ever.

"So what happened?" Bry asks, eating chocolate ice cream off of her spoon.

"Well," I start, getting cut off by a knock at the door. "Would you?" I question Bry, hoping she'll get the door.

She puts her tub to the side, swinging open the door to a tall, brunette stranger. Her all black outfit came off intimidating, but her smile sent something different.

"Hi, I'm Arzaylea. You can call me Arz if it's easier," she waves. "Do you happen to know where I'm supposed to stay?"

"No, but now you're forced to stay with us," Bry laughs.

I crack a smile, eating some ice cream. We welcome Arz in, telling her she can share a bed with whoever. We also get her some ice cream, letting her join our little rant party. She plops down on my bed, me scooting over to give her space.

"Okay, no more interruptions. Spill," Bry breathes.

"Alright. Yesterday, we played truth or dare. Luke came in here and said the things he said. Um, Bryana, how about I just tell you later," I pout, realizing this isn't good for Arz to hear.

"I know he liked you, Ariana. It's okay. It's in the past, right?" Arz smiles, nudging me.

I nod, continuing my story. After all of them tell me how wrong Calum was, there's yet another knock at the door.

"Ladies, you modest?" Cal asks.

"Yeah," Bry answers, rolling her eyes.

She's so sassy.

"Hello," he smiles, popping his head through the gap in the door. "May I steal Ari for a second?"

"But she's ours," Bry whines.

"I'm aware, but she's mine, too," he shakes his head, holding his hand out to me.

Even though I'm still mad at him for accusing me of stuff, I take his hand, giving my ice cream to Arzaylea. He pecks me cheek, me moving away from him when he does so, making him laugh.

"Is it funny?" I sass.

"Nope," he responds.

He drags me out to the car, swinging our arms along the way. We walk in a comfortable silence until both of us are at the car. Cal opens the door for me, before stepping in himself. He hands me a Starbucks drink.

"You actually remembered my order?" I smile.

"Of course I did, basic white girl," he smiles back. "I'm sorry, but you know that."

"Yeah," I fall silent. "I'm sorry, too."

"Don't be. This time, it was all me."

He takes me hand, and pulls out of the driveway, one handed. He blasts some of my favorite songs, just driving around Australia. As much as I hate him, I love him. Not like love love. I just love being around him and being with him. And I love his smile, his voice, his hands, everything about him. Is that love? I don't know.

"Babe," Calum calls, catching my attention. "You seemed to be daydreaming there. I bet it was about me, because you loooove me."

"Yikes. I have standards, Hood," I joke.

He snatches his hand away from mine, turning his body away from me.

"That hurt, Hazely," he fake cries.

"I hate you," I chuckle, opening twitter, reminding me of something. "Hey, when I got here, Bryana said she's heard a lot about me."

"Yeah, I talk about you a lot. It's probably annoying sometimes. Is that shocking to you?" he asks, staring at me.

"Eyes on the road. No, well, maybe. I don't know. Didn't think you were ready to talk about me," I shrug.

"Babe, I announced us on television in an interview."

"You right."

I put my bare feet in the seat, my shoes on the floor. I roll my window down, looking outside at the foreign scenery. I think I'm falling in love with Australia. The clock hits 5 and Calum turns around, us laughing at whatever he said before.

"What was the point of this?" I laugh.

"Just alone time with the girl I lo-like. We are never alone," he chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. "You gotta go get ready."

"For what?"

"The party. It's New Years Eve, Ari," he tells me.

"Fuck, I forgot. Okay. What am I wearing?"

He puts his thumb on his lower lip, something I find highly attractive.

"Something sexy," he shrugs. "That shouldn't be too hard for you. Seems to come natural."


"Ariana, just calm down. You have to trust us. I've got your hair, Arz has your make up, and Jack is picking out your outfit. Chill," Bry calms me.

I'm a little nervous about tonight. There's going to be a lot of people there, including All Time Low, which is crazy. I've loved them for years. The only famous people I've met are the boys. Plus, I'm not quite sure what I even look like. Bry and Arz look fantastic. I can't manage to look as good as them. No way in hell.

I'm also a little scared, because fans were allowed to pay their way into the party, meaning they'll be all over Calum. Not fun. I also don't want to get drunk and do stupid shit. Sadly, it's inevitable.

Arz steps back from my face, completely done with what she's done. Bry curls the last strand and sprays my hair down. They made me close my eyes and slide a dress on.

After I'm situated, I stand in front of a mirror, seeing my curled hair, contoured face, and black/nude dress tightly hugging my body. Bryana and Arzaylea walk out the bedroom door, leaving me with Jack.

"I low key think I went straight for a quick second. No lie," Jack coughs, checking me out.

"Go away!" I laugh, pushing him out the door.

After a few well needed selfies, I slide on red heels, carefully walking out. Slowly, I walk down the stairs, my hand on the railing. My feet are going to die tonight. I swear.

Standing at the bottom is Calum and the others. He glances up from his phone, staring at me. His hands go over his mouth, shocked. He scans me up and down, shifting on his feet.

"Holy fucking shit. Look at my baby girl," he cheers.

Everyone starts clapping, making me embarrassed. Once I reach the bottom of the steps, Cal's hand places itself on the bottom of my back.

Whispering in my ear, he says, "It's going to take everything in me to keep my hands off you."

Just to tease him back, I whisper, "Who says I want you to keep off?"


yikes this chapter is a mess.

so is my life so dats ok

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