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@expressingmendes: can you make calum jealous?

although thats childish, i can and will so.

@majahkansson: give him a taste of his own medicine girl

i gotchu ;)

@daniellexelaine: will you write any songs about calum?

most artists write about their past so probably. i'll just make it subtle

@daniellexelaine: youre better off without that hoe


@snickers418: do you want to help me murder calum, if not i'll do it myself...

pls no murder thx

@phantomirwin: did u block him as well as unfollow?

nope. just unfollow.

@crunkAFcalum: can you and big sean get back together? i love my oreo parents

big sean who????

@luxurixnt: please write a super fucking awesome break up song and go fuck zac efron bc i ship it and it gonna make cal jealous

isnt zac gay?

@alivingpieceofart: ily and i hope u blocked calum

i love you more



dont u think it hurts me to. theres more to the story than what shes telling

@no_social_life: do you still love ari?

of course i love her. i always will. everything i do is whats best for her even if it sucks for me. this is whats best.

@mikeys_underwear_: why. just why.

where are your question marks? smh

@majahkansson: [how] could you you eggplant

hear me out ok

@itsraiiraiis: you got a new boo?

its complicated

@irwinmaiden_: who would even hop on that dick? i lowkey hate you

ur mum

@yourdoseofmuhteenah: why u end with ari i shall slit ur throat do u want that

wheres ur punctuation smh

@checkyesmat: why did you leave ari like no big deal? hoe

im not a hoe, hoe. it is a big deal. its a huge deal. im in pain too. u dont know it all

@luxurixnt: why didn't u make an effort? ari loved you so damn much and you threw her away

i know. it will all be okay. i made an effort.


@expressingmendes: how r u?

im good babe. how r u :)

@majahkansson: MUKE AF

thats not even a question

@itsraiiraiis: luke whats good

vegemite. the weather. my day. ur personality. a lot of things :)

@mgclifforton: do you still have feelings for ariana?

its been months since then but i liked her even when i said i didnt for a while. i was doing what was best for her. seems like thats what everyones doing. whats best for ari

@luxurixnt: why did you feel the need to fuck up cal and ari's relationship?

i was jealous :( everyone goes for cal, mikey, or ash. i thought i had a chance but no


@expressingmendes: hows you and michael?

shhhh keep it on the low

@getawayjan @itsraiiraiis: can you be my bff?

not sure how ari will feel but lets do it

@irwinmaiden_: yes love

this isnt a question but i'll accept it. yes love.

@luxurixnt: why are you so amazing tf

thx boo

@alivingpieceofart: can u and michael adopt me?

lets do it bitch. im down.


@expressingmendes: hows life?

dandy :-)

@gabby030303: arzaylea what did you think about ariana?

shes such a ray of sunshine i luv her smuch. we still talk loads. gonna go surprise her at one of her shows sometime xx

@crunkAFcalum: are you still an independent ass bitch? whats your fav 5sos song? would u ever hook up with mikey, ash, or cal behind lukes back?

always. "i can't remember." never in a million years.

@luxurixnt: how r u babe? u good? do u need a glass of water? are you sleeping enough? is luke really daddy af?

i'm good my love. no thank you. yes ma'am. clearly.


@exposingmendes: can u and ashton adopt me?

yes where can i sign up pls

@itsraiiraiis: why are you so gorgeous?

genetics? kidding! thank you so much. youre beautiful as well

@irwinmaiden_: pls dump ashton for me

idk man. ash is pretty chill. we can be best friends.

@luxurixnt @crunkAFcalum: does ash really have a daddy kink?

thats for only me to know



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