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I drive down the street way faster than legally suggested. I listen to Jack update me on what's happening. So far, it's just been knocking and yelling.

"I'm not sure who it is, but I'm sure as hell not gonna check," Jack says.

"Okay, I'm pulling in my neighborhood. I'm just gonna talk to her," I reply.

"Are you batshit crazy? No. Go to the back so I can let you in," Jack orders.

"Jack Matthew Baran, please let me talk to her."

"Ariana Mika Hazely, you're crazy, but okay. Yell my name if you need me. I have your mace."

"You're not going to mace her, Jack."

"The hell I will."

"I'm here. Bye," I sigh.

There's pros and cons to having a psycho best friend. This event is a pro...and a con.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I say.

She's so ill. I tear up at the thought but push it away. It's clear that this one is new. She doesn't know me. I feel my heart break into millions of pieces. I stare into the eyes of what looks like my best friend, but I know it isn't.

"I've been knocking all damn day! You hooligans are too damn loud! Shut up!" she yells in my face.

"Ma'am, I haven't been home all day. My friend has though. I doubt he ma-"

I was cut off with a slap. She stormed up the street to the city bus stop. I can't take this. I fall on my porch and cry. Sob. I'm usually so good at holding myself together when it comes to moments like this, but she's never hit me.

"ARI!" Jack yells, running down my staircase, skipping a few steps.

When he sees me, he holds me and rocks me back and forth. Thank God it's late. No one's outside to see us.

I drown in a sea of tears. She's been gone for years, but I will never be able to accept it. I still see the person I've known for years. It's like she's the one doing this under her own control even though it's not her fault.

"It's not fair, Jack! She's not my sister anymore. I don't know her! I never know who she is or when it's going to change. I can't keep up with Faith, and Haley, and Sabrina, and whoever the hell that was! I just want Alexis. I want my little sister Alexis," I cry.

"Ari, I'm so sorry. MPD is hard on both sides. I'm here. It's me, Jack."

Jack knows I need reassurance sometimes. I just want to run and hug Alexis when she's Alexis, but that rarely happens. She's usually her other personalities.

Code 211 is when Alexis' side personalities show up at my house. Most of them don't end well, just like this one. They end with me sobbing into Jack's arms uncontrollably until I finally stop.

Then, we do what we're doing. We sit and stare at the sky until Jack announces he has to leave.

"I may be a-no. I AM a bitch sometimes, but I love you, pipsqueak. Call me if you need me," Jack hugs me.

I just nod and watch him get in his car and drive off. My feet scoot into my house. I shut and lock the door behind me. Thousands of emotions should be blasting through out my body. I mean Jesus fucking Christ. I hung out with 5 Seconds of mother fucking Summer, gave Luke Hemmings my number, met fans or followers, I don't know what they are, and had my sister...well, my sister's side personality hit me.

But instead, I'm numb. It's like all of my racing emotions ran away, leaving me with nothing. I feel like I'm living my life to the fullest without wanting to live my life at all.

My phone goes off and so does my thoughts.

"New message from @Calum5SOS!" covers my screen. I smile at my screen, leaving me with the mixed emotions again. While smiling, I cry. I'm a train wreck.

Wow. I'm literally a train wreck.

From @Calum5SOS: how are you? i'm really worried :(

To @Calum5SOS: i'm okay. thank you.

From @Calum5SOS: ya sure?

To @Calum5SOS: positive :)

My eyelids grow as heavy as my emotions. Tonight has been a mess. My phone goes off once again, but I don't care. I let my eyes fall closed. I forcefully stopped my thoughts and feelings so I could sleep peacefully.


I wake up feeling like I'm going to burst into tears any second. Memories of my little sister, or who ever, that was hitting me spill into my brain. Memories of the concert follows it and I smile.

I met 5SOS. Again! I got to hug my little nude sending, asian sunshine again. Plus, Luke asked for my number. Did he text me yet?

I pick up my phone from the far side of the couch. 3 messages from an unknown number and some stuff from twitter are the notifications I wake up to.  I check the messages first with a huge grin on my face and a knot in my stomach.

Unknown Number: hey, ariana! it's Luke from 5SOS :-) {11:35 pm}

Unknown Number: you're probably asleep. i hope i didn't wake you up. text me when you see these :-) {11:48 pm}

Unknown Number: sleep tight {11:50 pm}

I text him back saying good morning. Luke Hemmings texted me. ME! He responds almost immediately and we talk for nearly an hour. He invited me to their hotel room at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott tonight at eight.

It's 12:38 pm now and I have nothing to do. I press compose on my twitter, tweeting out:

@ArianaHalsey: so should i make a youtube video on my 5sos experience?????

Literally as soon as I pressed tweet, I got favorites, retweets, and replies. All of them said yes along with a few "follow me"s. I sat in shock at the amount of notifications I got. Within a twelve minutes, I had 147 favorites.

I got my lazy ass up and dressed for a YouTube video. Just as I stood up, I plopped right back down because my phone started ringing. I answer Jack's call, knowing where it was going.

"Hey, nerd. You okay?" he asks, concerned even though he tried not to sound worried.

"Yep, I'm good," I say, truthfully. "I'm about to make a Youtube video."

"That's cool. I'm about to walk in your house," he says, opening the door. "Oh, hey!" he says in a white girl tone.

I laugh and shake my head, walking up the stairs. While washing my hair in the shower, I finally get a moment to realize what's going on.

I've spent years stanning four Australian idiots that I now text and hang out with. I get to talk to four dorks that I love with everything in me. Best of all, I get to be with Calum, a boy I've been hopelessly infatuated with for years of my life.

But in all reality, will they even remember who I am when they leave LA or will I just be another face in a crowd of fans like I was before?


writers block is so annoying

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