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"How's everyone doing tonight?" Michael shouts into his microphone.

The crowd of teenage girls and a hand full of guys erupted in cheers behind me. Profanities and inappropriate statements were shouted at the four fuckboys on stage.

"We're gonna do the show a little backwards for you all tonight. Does anyone know the song 'She Looks So Perfect?'" Calum shouts, as well.

No, Calum. No 5SOS fan has ever heard your biggest hit before. Remind me of the name, again.

Everyone starts yelling, yet again. I join them and shout to the stage.

"Was that a no?" Calum asks, teasingly.

The crowd gets louder and I start bubbling up with excitement. Simply seeing the guys has me going weak. I'm gonna collapse if they start singing.

"Hey, hey! Hey, hey!" the three amigos sing into the mic.

No, I didn't fall, but I am weak in the knees. The whole crowd, including me, sing the lyrics back to the band.

"FUCK ME SIDEWAYS!" I hear escape from a girls mouth.

I snap my head at her with an amused grin. She couldn't be any older than 14. Tragic.

"HEY! AREN'T YOU THE GIRL FROM THE AIRPORT?!" she asks when she catches my stare.

I nod my head, reluctantly and laugh.

"Can I get a picture? You're practically my mom," the fourteen year old enthusiast shouts above the music.

I nod, again, and watch her open snapchat. She turns the flash on her front camera and snaps the picture.

"Thank you so much. You're hilarious. I love you," she smiles.

"Oh, um. Thank you," I reply, accidentally making it sound more like a question rather than a statement.

"Hey! Can I get a picture, too?" another girl asks.

I take a picture with her and a few more girls in the area. I laugh at the whole situation and focus my attention back on the stage.

When I look up, Calum is staring dead at me with a crinkled eyed smile. He must've saw what just happened, because he held up his hands, pretending he was capturing a picture. I flipped him off. He smiled again and ran over to Luke, strumming his bass and banging his head to the beat.


"This next song isn't actually our song," Ashton says into his microphone.

"It's a cover," Michael replies, his accent making it sound like covah.

"Yeah, it's a cover. It's usually for people who don't know our songs. So if you have a dad, mum, aunt, uncle, or significant other here, this ones for them," Ashton finishes, not hesitating to hit his drums immediately afterwards.

"I think you're pretty without any make up on. I think you're funny when you tell the punchline wrong. I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down," Luke starts off.

My mood shoots even higher when I hear the Katy Perry song. She's the love of my life, I swear.

"Before you met me, I was alright, but things were kinda heavy," Calum continues.

The way he sang heavy made me die, go to the gates of hell, not get accepted, and revive. The song continues and I sing back every word, my foot tapping to the beat.

"Imma get your heart racing," Michael begins his solo.

I give up on the whole I'm-not-a-fangirl image and yell as loud as I can. Michael's solo in Teenage Dream is the reason I love this song so much.

"Thank you, Los Angeles!" Luke says, out of breath. "We're sad to say the show's over, but we're happy to say that this is our first ever sold out show!"

The crowd goes wild. The little assholes that could barely remember their names, let alone song lyrics, have their own sold out show. They have a fanbase. They have paparazzi. They have fame.

"We love you all so very much! Thank you for being the best crowd ever!" Calum shouts.

The four amigos walk to the front of the stage and take a bow, confetti shooting into the crowd. I scream at the blast of the cannon.

The stage lights go out, the boys disappear, and it's safe to say that now is the most depressing moment of my life. The post concert depression has hit me hella hard. I sigh, making my way to the crowded stairway, leading to the exit.

There's so many teenage girls flipping their shit when they exit the arena building. There's also some old people turning their hearing aids back on. Me, too, old people. Me, too.

"Hey, airport girl!"

I think it's sad that I turned around as if he said "Ariana".

"Can I get a picture?" a tall black guy (who honestly made me insecure with his beauty) asks.

About ten more girls mock his actions. Anxiety starts to bubble up. Although there's only ten or fifteen girls here, I feel swarmed.

"Um, yeah, sure. I don't know why you'd want a picture with me, but okay."

"Are you kidding me? You're literally internet famous," some red head exclaims, filming the whole thing.

"I have 20k. That's not internet famous," I respond, taking a picture afterward.

"More like 120k," the same ginger tells me, pulling up my twitter.

"Oh my God."

A few more girls (and guys) come to the area. Some want to see what the hell is going on and why 30+ people are surrounding some dumb bitch. Others want to meet this dumb bitch.

"I'm going to have to ask you all to scoot back. This is getting out of hand," a buff security guard demands, pushing back the crowd.

"What the fuck?" I mumble under my breath.

"Ma'am, do you understand the commotion you've caused?" the guard asks, rudely.

"C'mon. It's thirty people surrounding me in a parking lot. There's 30,000 people surrounding the tour bus. What you doing?" I respond, crossing my arms over my chest.

This whole thing is bullshit. I just want to go home and fangirl to Jack.

"Phil. She's with us," Dan's low voice states in a very serious, kind of scary tone.

"Sorry, sir," Phil nods.

Dan puts his arm on the upper half of my back, leading me backstage, again.

"So are you head guard or something, because Phil looked scared shitless?"

"No. I wish. With being a guard, you have to know how to scare people," Dan's low voice chuckles.

"Grade A actor," I laugh.

We start walking down a faintly lit hall filled with equipment. The back curtain of the stage is to my left, storage rooms to my right.

"Calum told me to find you after the show, but I need to make sure it's alright for you to enter their room," Dan explains.

"I get it. Safety reasons," I nod.

"That and the idiots might be naked. Not the first or last time," Dan says half serious, half joking.

Officially my favorite member of the 5SOS crew.


see what i did with the guard's names? hehe. short chapter. oh well.

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