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so if i never state the pov at the top, it's ariana bc its gonna be mainly ariana. if something switches like it did last chap, i will put "xxxx's POV:" at the top. make sense?


"Calum, stop it. The guys are gonna be here any second and I'm still covering this damn hickey," I sigh.

Cal stayed the night last night, because he wanted to spend "quality time" with me before leaving for Sydney. Quality time meant a whole lot of questions and cuddling. He chased me around the house once or twice with an old water gun. Currently, I'm in my bathroom, Calum sitting on the closed toilet seat. I've been putting make up over the mark I gave him yesterday. I'm not ashamed about giving Calum a hickey. I just don't want it to be the topic of conversation at my Christmas dinner.

Today is going to be incredibly rough for me. It's my first Christmas without my mom. God, it sucks so much. I won't get to introduce her to Calum the way I wished. She'll meet him somehow. I want her to meet the guy that pulled me out of the dark. She'd be so proud.

On top of it all, Luke sent me a text that has drove me insane all night. My mind has been on it since last night when Cal fell asleep. Things will probably get awkward, today.

"All done. Can you go downstairs in case they show up? I need to change real quick."

He nods, pecks my cheek, and jogs down my wooden stairs. I tie half of my brown hair up in a ponytail, allowing the rest to fall onto my shoulders. I make sure my make up is fine and then walk over to my bed where my out fit is. I slip on a black pencil skirt and a black tank top, red heels on my feet. Glancing at my full length mirror, I'm okay with my look.

I carefully make my way down the steps, my body being scanned by four boys that are sitting on my couch. Calum's eyes look up and down my body, stopping at my eyes. Michael and Ashton are staring at me and Luke is looking at my ass. Thanks, Luke.

"You look," Michael awes.

"You're so," Ashton smiles.

"You look amazing," Luke gasps.

"You're beautiful, babe," Calum smiles up at me.

"Thank you," I blush. "Let's eat?"

After the boys scarfing down four plates of Christmas dinner, it's time to open presents. Not going to lie, my mom has been on my mind this whole day, but I know she's here in spirit. I pull my phone out of my bra and read over the message Luke sent me, again.

From Lukey:

ari. its 4 am and i know that ur with cal and im sorry that im sending something like this so late. i just need you to know that calum doesnt love you. calum doesnt like u the way i like you. once cal goes back to sydney, you'll be forgotten. i'll remember you forever. i love you and i always will. just give me a chance. i could treat you so much better and you know it. i want to know what it feels like to kiss you, and hold your hand, and announce our relationship, and hold you. i want to know that i make you as happy as you make me. calum isnt good for you. im just looking out for you. merry christmas.

"Whatcha reading?" Michael asks me.

I jump out of fear, nearly dropping my phone.

"My God. You scared me," I calm down.

"Thanks. You look a little nervous. You alright?" he asks.

"Just missing my mom," I tell him, not completely lying.

"Alright. Let's get these presents on a roll!" Ashton cheers, spinning his Santa hat on his head.

We pass out presents. They all open their stuff from me. I got Luke a giant stuffed penguin and a large tub of vegemite, which is literally what he asked for. Ashton got a new camera and sketch pad. I got Mikey pikachu footies and stormtrooper footies, along with the newest FIFA. Calum is opening the present Mikey and Ash helped me get. I would've let Luke in on it, but I don't think he'd enjoy helping buy a gift for his "competition."

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