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We're all bundled up together in the living room, "watching" a documentary on sleep paralysis. All of us are half asleep out of boredom. I would rather watch paint dry than continue watching this boring film.

"I've said this shit once, and I'll say it again. Let's play truth or dare," Mikey suggests.

We all shift in our seats.

"For once, I'm in," I cheer, giving Michael a high five.

"Thank you," he smiles.

After everyone agreed, we get in a circle and grab a beer bottle Calum drank earlier. I sit next to Calum, Luke sitting next to me. Why does this keep happening? My God. Ashton flicks the bottle, it landing on me.

"Ari, truth or dare?"


"Ah, fuck you. Okay, how long do you picture you and Calum together?" Ash smiles.

What a great start to this game. I either offend Calum or scare Calum.

"Well, I can't look into the future. I hope we last a while, though," I decide to say.

Calum pecks my cheek. Guess he's satisfied with my answer. Thank God. I spin the bottle, it landing on Bryana.

"Truth or dare?" I question her.

"Dare all the way!"

"I dare you to pick someone to do seven minutes in heaven with."

Instantly, she grabs onto Ashton, pulling him into an empty room. Guess they have a thing. The game goes on, Calum losing his shirt, Luke admitting his daddy fetish, Jack announcing his sexuality, and Michael telling everyone he's not afraid of falling in love with a guy. During this game, we've all taken a few shots and downed a few beers, unintentionally getting tipsy.

"Luke, I dare you to make out with Ari," Bryana giggles.

"Okay, we're done with this game," Calum groans, me on his lap.

"No!! It's just getting started," Luke whines, reaching for me.

I sigh, pushing myself off of Calum. Running my fingers through my hair, I grab Luke's hand, dragging him to my room. Calum has a sad and abandoned look on his face that I'll have to wipe off later.

When we reach my room, we sit on my bed, Luke moving his lips to mine. Before they make contact, I dodge him.

"Hemmings. Stop. You're pissing me off. I know you're not drunk, so stop acting like it. All you've consumed is apple juice, dork. I know Calum hasn't brought any girl here besides me. I clearly know you have some feelings for me. Sorry, but I'm in a relationship. I really do not appreciate you lying to me and continuously making moves on me. You know you made me doubt Calum? What is up with that? If you loved me like you say you do, you'd be happy for me, even if that means I'm not yours. I'm sorry, but everything between us is simply platonic. I need you to get over me," I rant.

Without a word, Luke just blinks, running his fingers through his hair, messing it up more. He shifts his eyes from me to the bed then back at me again. I probably hurt his feelings, but it's something that needed to be said.

"How about you invite a girl here?" I suggest, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Ariana, the only girl I want is you," he cries out.

AUTHORS NOTE: I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF YOU LIKE ARZAYLEA OR NOT. comment some rude ass shit and i'll block u stg

"Shh. Calum's going to hear you," I pout. "What about that one girl you always text? Arizona?"

"Arzaylea?" he chuckles.

"Arzaylea, her. Invite her. She's been tweeting me for months about her shipping Cal and I. She seems really cool," I smile.

"She is," he blushes.

"See! Invite her you nerd!" I chuckle, biting my lip out of habit.

He pulls out his phone, calling Arzaylea. Before he leaves, he pecks my cheek, Calum walking in at the wrong time, seeing Luke's lips on my cheek along with his messy hair, me biting on my lip. He storms out immediately.

"Are we fucking Kardashians? We're always in some drama. Shit," I sigh.

Shutting the door behind me, I run outside, chasing Calum through the lawn. He stops in front of a trashcan, punching it.

"Can you stop getting violent every time you're pissed?! It scares me!" I yell out so he can hear.

Quickly turning around at me with an angry face and clenched fists, he halts.

"Pick one," he growls.


"Pick one, Ariana. I'm sick of this bullshit! Pick one. Luke or me?! I swear to God, if you fucking hesitate-"

"What? What are you going to do Calum?! Please, tell me. Are you gonna hurt me? Hm? If so, let me know now, so I can avoid an abusive relationship."

"You think I'd hit you? Wow, thanks," Calum rolls his eyes.

"I know you won't hit me, Calum. You just fucking punch everything. And why do we always argue?! Do you know how annoying this is?" I question him.

"It's always your fucking fault! Do you like pissing me off?! Do you even like me, or are you just dating me because I'm Calum Hood like everyone else. Are you actually any different?!" he shouts at me.

"Shut the hell up! You know better," I yell, inching closer to him, angrily. "I like you for you, asshole. This time, it's not my damn fault. It's yours for assuming shit. I don't like pissing you off. In fact, I hate it. It reminds me of how angry my step dad always was. Do you think I want that little reminder in my head all the time?! No. So, fuck you, Hood. How about you talk to me instead of running outside, punching things, and yelling?! I understand your new to relationships and stuff. I am, too. But just think about things before raging."

After my vent session, I'm completely out of breath and angry out of my mind. I could strangle this man sometimes.

"What happened in your room?" Calum calms down.

"Better, and nothing. Luke kissed my cheek after I told him to stop making moves on me. I also told him to invite his own girl which he's doing now, jerk," I pout.

"Oh," Cal looks down.

"Yeah, oh. I'm going inside."

I turn on my heels, walking to the front door of the cabin.


"What, Calum?!" I snap, still angry.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

After an hour of laying on my bed, I pull out my phone, tweeting off my twitter with a new username:

@ArianaHazely: why do i try??


12k is hella rad. i never like any of my chapters but whatever.

yea arzaylea is in my story. deal w/ it and dont be petty. thx

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