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I wake up with my hair in insane tangles. The time on my clock reads 1:00 PM. Shit. Why'd I wake up so late? Oh, yeah. Calum.

My flutters at the thought of him. Damn, this boy has me wrapped around his finger. A knock at the door echoes through my quiet house. Oh, no. Is it Alexis? Please don't let it be her. I can't deal with her right now. I fix my hair as much as I can and walk downstairs to my front door. No one's there. I close it and step away with a knot in my stomach and a confused facial expression. The knock reoccurs. This time, I swing the door open and see someone I didn't think I'd see. I would've guessed Obama before I guessed...


"Yes, ma'am. Did you just wake up?" he asks in his beautiful accent, scanning my attire.

"Uh, yeah. I was up late texting you. How do you know where I live and why are you at my house?"

"Do you not remember last night's conversation?"

I shake my head.

"Ah. May I?" he asks, referring to entering my home.

I open the door a bit wider and blush at my stupidity.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Read through your messages a bit," he deeply laughs.

I jog upstairs and grab my phone off of my charger. While I'm up here, I quickly change my shirt and tie my hair in a ponytail. I jog back downstairs and join Calum on the couch.

"Cute shirt," he smiles.

What? I glance down at what I'm wearing. Great. Fucking amazing. It's a jersey that says "HOOD 96" on the back. It's not my day.

"You know what? Yes, it's a hella cute shirt that I spent hella money on. You better admire this shirt," I sass, jokingly.

"I respect that," he says, still smiling at me and laughing.

After reading the text conversation between Calum and I, I see that he said we should hang out tomorrow. Well, today, I guess. I gave him my address and here he is.

"Oh. Now, I remember. I have to record today, though," I tell him.

"Record what?"

"A YouTube video. It's a thing I do."

"Why can't I be in your video?" he asks.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"I don't see the problem," he shrugs.

"Okay, I would absolutely love for you to be in my video. It sounds like so much fun. But one, the video is kind of about you-"

"Aw, I'm flattered," he interrupts.

"And two, it'll make you look like you're picking favorites. Rumors will spread so quickly. Everyone's gonna think we're dating," I say.

"And what's so wrong with that?" he questions with a cute grin.

I feel my cheeks start to flush. Is he implying that dating me wouldn't be a bad thing. Does Calum Thomas Hood like me? Oh.

"Um, well, uh, I guess it's not necessarily wrong or anything-"

He smirks at me.

"But that's not the point I'm trying to prove," I state, getting myself back on track.

"Do you even know the point you're trying to prove?" he asks.

"Truthfully, no."

"Then, just let me be in your video."

"Okay, how about this? You can stay here while I record, but you can not physically be in the video," I suggest.

"Boo, you're no fun," he pouts.


"Hey, guys. What's up? I'm back with another sit down vlog. It's been forever. I know. Calum, I swear to God. If you do not stop laughing," I say, making him laugh harder.

"So this is what Youtubers go through? They need more credit," Calum comments.


Right now, Calum and I are sitting really close together. He's leaning his head on my shoulder, watching me edit my video. I'm almost done and I think it came together nicely.

"Hey, Ari?" Calum mumbles.

My heart starts to flutter at his nick name for me. I don't know how I already like this boy so much. It's not normal. It's literally like I've known him since we were little but at the same time, I know nothing about him.

"Yes, Cal?" I mock.

"I like when you call me Cal," he remarks. "But can we go back to the whole dating rumors thing?"

I save my video and shut my laptop, placing it on the ottoman.

"What about it?" I ask.

"Well, um," he starts, scratching the back of his neck, nervously, "I mean there's already rumors. I came across a Caliana fan page the other day. A lot of people like the idea of us together. Including the guys. And Dan. And, well, me."

My heart stops beating right then and there.

"Please, don't say anything until I finish. You make me kind of nervous, in a good way. I was supposed to say all of this last night when you were at the hotel. That's why I invited you, but I got too scared. Anyway, I really like you, Ari. But I feel like I should know you better than I do in order to like you. The only things I know about you are the things you told me last night on the phone. You're terrified of bugs and the dark. You've loved the band since 2011. Our music helped you through your mum's passing. If you could go anywhere in the world, you'd want to go to Pompeii or Canberra. Your favorite color is gray. You've taught yourself piano, guitar, and ukulele. But I want to know the things that define you. What's your biggest insecurity? What's one moment you wish you could relive forever? I'd like to get to know you, if that's okay."

I don't even know what to say. It feels like all the words I've ever learned to say escaped from my memory. Did he really just say this to me? Come on, Ariana. Don't leave the boy hanging.

"Wow, um. No one has ever said anything like that before. I got a little speechless. I'm sorry. But yes. I love to get to know you as well, if that's okay."

Calum's hand cupped my cheek, pulling me closer to his face until my lips met his. He kept his hand there and I grabbed onto his forearms. He kissed me like I'm the world's most fragile piece of china. This kiss isn't rushed and sloppy. It's slow and careful and so full of passion. It's like my entire life has lead up to this moment. He detaches his lips from mine then looks me in the eyes with the biggest smile in the world.

I kissed Calum Hood.


He kissed her. Woo hoo. I'm into this book now. I'm digging it.

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